'Convenience Store Boy Friends' Anime: Young Love Blooms in New Mixed-Media Project
"Konbini Kareshi" or "Convenience Store Boy Friends" is a new slice of life anime series about young love and its many meandering ups and downs.
The series centers on the lives of six high school students who frequent a particular convenience store for some afterschool bonding.
Haruki and Honda are best friends who look forward to their new school life with heightened anticipation. Sanagi, the only member of the school's cooking research club, is continuously striving to work on the challenging theme that an adviser has laid out for him.
On the other hand, Natsu is a second-year student who has slightly matured from the height of the youthful impudence he showed the previous year. He has also decided to remain alone on his second year.
Additionally, there are the third year students, Nakajima and Sakurakoji who watch over Natsu with a smile.
All six of them will be paying the nearby convenience store a visit every day right after school. Also, all of them will eventually find themselves falling for the girls they meet there.
But can love really bloom in the most unexpected places? Can a humble convenience store really become the perfect setting for some of the most romantic love stories these young boys will ever experience?
"Convenience Store Boy Friends" is part of a mixed-media project that chronicles the experiences of teenagers who find love at a convenience store.
The Japanese rock quartet ORANGE POST REASON sings the anime series' ending theme titled "Milestone." The song has been lifted from their upcoming sophomore album, "Green," which is due out on Sept. 13. The said album has reportedly been inspired by the sceneries in the urban areas of Tokyo as well as the band's own growth since their 2013 debut.
"Convenience Store Boy Friends" airs on Thursdays at 1:58 a.m. JST on TBS. Episodes will also be available to stream on Crunchyroll.