Could Nationwide Gay Nuptials Be Judgment for Cowardly Church Leadership?
Awaken to Coming Realities
For cowardly pastors it's time to slap yourselves upside the head and get in the game! Your calling is to "equip the people" with the "whole counsel of God" and not be ear tickling, man pleasing, crowd gathering, seeker friendly, spineless shepherds of the flock of God (I say this humbly as a fellow shepherd of 43 years). We must demonstrate courageous leadership and take a stand before government coercion and gay activism advances even further in destroying our heritage and our nation.
Proponents of the gay agenda will use "nondiscrimination" policies to eventually force churches to perform same-sex "marriages" and hire and not fire gay choir directors, children's ministry teachers, worship leaders, school administrators, custodians and office staff – all non-clergy positions. The penalty for noncompliance will be loss of tax exemptions and housing allowances. There will be hate speech fines for speaking against official government policy as bigots, homophobes and hatemongers. Recently the chairman of one of the largest Gay groups in a western state posted the following on his Facebook page:
"Churches that lobby to have freedoms and rights taken away from ANYONE should absolutely have their 501(c)(3) status revoked!!"
For non-compliant Christian colleges, leadership must face the possible loss of accreditation, tax-exempt status and students denied government aid. The reason? Newly passed laws mandate total compliance with all non-discriminatory practices as the law of the land. Christians must be punished and intimidated to get in line (anyone recall Lois Lerner and the IRS targeting conservative groups?)
Are you aware of colleges throughout America where Christian ministries have been forced out because of being coerced into removing biblical leadership standards? Or how about Gordon College in Massachusetts where the school rightly prohibits sexual relations between homosexuals and now contracts with the city are being terminated as a result? Remember President Obama issued a non-discrimination executive order bringing this about.
Here's the deal: What is at stake right now is the removal of Western civilization's 5000 year-old foundation of traditional male-female marriage and children born from these unions nurtured in the optimum manner for their well-being and success. But its not too late if church leaders will refuse to cower in the corner and instead arise courageously. Pastors and leaders on TV and radio must address these issues intentionally, consistently and thoroughly to equip the people of God so they have a biblical worldview in order to pray biblically, assess candidates and engage others confidently in the market place. "Courage is contagious," Dr. Billy Graham reminds us.
Massive deception has deluded the masses to drift from our founding principles as "One nation under God" and attempts to redefine us as a secular, pagan culture.
A Pathway of Hope
History records in America's journey times of cataclysmic upheaval and serious moral decline. What worked to bring about awakening then can be replicated today no matter how bleak the situation appears.
1. As 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us we must "humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways and seek His face to bring healing in our land."
2. We must reconsecrate ourselves to declaring and demonstrating the gospel. People's hearts are not changed primarily through education or legislation but regeneration – the new birth experience.
3. Leaders must repent of any passivity or fear and embrace the call to raise up an educated/informed people who understand the issues and can effectively engage others in civil dialogue to dispel the deception so prevalent today.
4. Our marriages, families and churches must become a model of the message we convey. Authenticity, purity, integrity and humility must characterize our lives for we are the only "Bible" that many people will ever read.
5. No matter what the cost, we must be like Jesus amidst the avalanche of deception. He did not use condemnation or condescension but rather righteous and loving confrontation.
It's Our Turn – Now
Do you recall a time, not long ago, when many of us challenged our young people to end all compromise and show total commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord? "Young people, listen up! Tonight bring back all ungodly albums, CDs, drug paraphernalia, dope, pornography and any occult items – we'll lay them on the altar and do like the Ephesians, burn them publicly as they did in Acts 19:19!"
Now it's our turn. May every timid leader bring every reasonable - sounding excuse -- "Just preach the gospel…steer clear of politics… avoid controversy… watch offending people… don't risk losing tithers…we're in a building project… Millennials may not agree… some have Gay children… keep things positive"... and lay them on the altar, burning them in His fiery Presence!
It's late, but not too late to "have courage and be kind" in this defining moment of history.