CP World Report: UNESCO, Evangelical Voters, Multiculturalism, Flu Season

The Palestinians have won a symbolic victory in their bid for statehood. They have been granted full membership into the cultural UN agency: UNESCO. And it’s already creating a confrontation with the U.S. Under the Reagan Administration, the U.S. suspended its membership in UNESCO for being anti-Jewish, anti-Western and corrupt. Under subsequent laws , Congress is now obliged to withdraw funding to any UN body that admits Palestine as a full member. A 60-million dollar payment intended for this November has now been cancelled. Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has said that Canadian funding will continue, but Canada is deliberating on its future participation with UNESCO.
Numbers are in… on how well the Republican candidates are doing among the evangelical voters they have been courting: After the stir and the hoopla over Mitt Romney and his Mormonism, stats have revealed that only 42 percent of Americans surveyed…even know he’s a Mormon. Some other findings from the Public Religion Research Institutes : Rick Perry is leading among evangelicals with 22 percent of their vote, saying that Perry’s religious views are the closet to their own. Cain and Romney come in at 20 percent and 8 percent, respectively. But in terms of political views, 26 percent of the same group said Cain was closer to their own. 21 said Romney and only 12 percent said Rick Perry
Baroness Sayeeda Warsi , co-chair of the ruling Conservative Party, is the first Muslim woman to serve in the British cabinet. And she had a message about multiculturalism. She said Britain should become a country where people are not ashamed of saying openly that they are Christians. According to Warsi, Britain has a proud history of pluralism and interfaith dialogue. Now she challenges her country to go further, understand other religions, but also to be proud of its own.
An encouraging story about mental illness . A young woman's difficult battle with schizophrenia led her to help beat the stigma, assist professionals and help other people facing the same challenge. Dr. Sanjay Gupta has her story.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins has criticized the U.S. Supreme Court for what he called “one of the worst religious assaults in all of American history”. It’s about a case where 12 foot tall roadside memorial crosses were erected in Utah in honor of fallen highway troopers. The group “American Atheists Incorporated “ purported that the crosses were an endorsement of Christianity by the state, and took The Utah Highway Patrol Association to court. They won. But the association went back to a higher court . Now that the Supreme Court has refused to revisit the lower court ruling, the matter remains unresolved and bears implications on other cases where …for example….the Ten Commandments is displayed in many courthouses.
Flu season is here. It's something we hear every year in the fall. But how much do you really know about the virus? Test your flu IQ in today's Health Minute.
Sushil Kumar has become the first ever man to win India’s $1 million grand prize on its version of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.” The story closely resembles that of the inspirational 2008 Academy Award winner “Slumdog Millionaire.” Kumar, from the poor East Indian town of Bihar, is employed as a computer data entry operator and earns barely enough to get by. His win has made him a national icon who gives hope to millions of India’s poor that rising above one’s situation is indeed possible.