'Darkness' of Sexual Culture 'Gone Mad' Threatens America's Future, Says Evangelical Leader Tony Perkins

WASHINGTON — Family Research Council President Tony Perkins called on Congress to protect the religious freedom of those affected by the "darkness of unrestricted sexual license ... gone mad."
While America previously faced the threats of Nazism and Communism, today's threats emanate from the Sexual Revolution, Perkins said Monday in his "State of the Family" address.
"The threats America face are not potential — they are clear, present and dangerous," he said. "And ironically they come most sharply today not from the radical economic doctrines of Karl Marx, nor from the lights of what Winston Churchill called 'perverted science,' but from the darkness of unrestricted sexual license — a new Cultural Revolution — gone mad."
Perkins called on Congress to pass the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act to protect the religious freedom of those who believe that marriage can only be between one man and one woman and wish to live their lives according to those beliefs.
In the audience at FRC headquarters were several families who are, or were, being punished by the government for making decisions consistent with their religious beliefs.

The Hahn family, owners of Conestoga Wood Specialties, won a lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court over the Obama administration's attempt to force them to pay for drugs that could cause an abortion. The Bracy family of Connecticut had sued because their state initially offered no Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare," health plans that did not cover abortion. The Millers, owners of a bridal salon, successfully fought the Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania town council for the right to decline service for same-sex weddings. And, Aaron and Melissa Klein were fined $150,000 and told they needed to be "rehabilitated" by the state of Oregon because they declined to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding.
The Christian Post interviewed Aaron Klein after the speech. He could not speak specifically about the case because the state has threatened to file additional charges if he did.
"We believe the Bible is truth, His unfailing word. We live our lives by it. The state has taken the stance that I cannot do that," Klein said.
Klein added that he and Melissa already had to close the doors to their store because of the state's legal actions against them, and if the state is successful they will likely lose their business and their personal property, including their house.
Perkins also called on Congress to pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act.
On Thursday, the same day as the March for Life, the House of Representatives will likely vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would ban most abortions after 20 weeks of gestation, the age at which a fetus is known to feel pain.
He also asked President Obama to "elevate the importance" of religious freedom in global affairs and to strengthen enforcement of the International Religious Freedom Act.
"When America works to protect the liberties of the persecuted; we build friendships and create alliances that contribute to our own security," Perkins said.
Regarding the problem of human trafficking, Perkins urged Congress to prioritize legislation that treats sex slaves as victims rather than criminals.
"Abortion on demand and human trafficking compose a common league of evil," he said. "Ending that league is the abolitionist cause of our time."
You can read all of Perkins' speech here or watch it below.