Deborah's Voice Brings God's Presence to DC, Rejects Values of Women's March

WASHINGTON — A movement of conservative Christian women with a passion for biblical values and the advance of the Gospel is raising its voice against the "nasty woman" ideology of the Women's March.
Thousands of women gathered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial Saturday, many clad in blue T-shirts that read "Awake Arise Advance," to worship the Lord and declare what they stand for in an event called Deborah's Voice. Speakers included Gigi Graham, the eldest child of the late evangelist Billy Graham, and Genelle Guzman-McMillan, the last survivor to be pulled out from the rubble of the Twin Towers following the 9/11 attacks, among others.
"If I could encapsulate it in one phrase I would said it is 'piercing the darkness,'" said Kim Hale, music director for Deborah's Voice, to The Christian Post on the steps of the historic monument, when asked about the significance of their presence in the nation's capital over the weekend.
"I feel like bringing the presence of God to this place right here, and you look around here and you see all the monuments ... and we felt the presence of God here. We felt it; it was so powerful. We had many people come up and say that the impact was hard, but in a good way."
Although the event has been in the works for over a year and a half, Hale and the team believe that it is no coincidence that they were there following several days of tense political drama over the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The DV team hails from Calvary Christian Center in Hamilton, Ohio — co-pastored by Diane Mullins, whom CP interviewed Sept. 16. They wanted to respond to the women who declared themselves "nasty" in January 2017 at the Women's March the day after President Donald Trump's inauguration. Hale reiterated several times that those women do not speak for them.
"We were here to say, 'You do not represent all of us' because we stand for something different," she told CP.
"Everyone is talking about standing for something. Well, we're standing for truth, we're standing for God's Word, we're standing for the Holy Spirit, for righteousness, for what is right."
Deborah's Voice lasted from 9 a.m. to just before 4 p.m. and featured dance teams, multiple worship sets and testimonies from several women.
Hale wants women to know that Jesus is the definition and source of all love and He empowers women. She stressed that church must unite in this hour and put unnecessary divisions aside.
"And I think there is a new hunger in this society. People are hungry to go back to something that is real. And He's the only real thing," she said.
According to its description on its Facebook page, Deborah's Voice is emerging as "the conservative voice of Christian women who are arising to take a stand concerning moral issues that affect our communities and our nation."
"We are the voice of Godly living. We are the voice for life and family. We are the voice for those who are victims of sex trafficking and domestic violence."
DV also provides a platform for women to share with the world how God has helped them overcome tragedy. They have hosted rallies in 18 states in the past seven months.