'Defining Moments' With Billy Graham Debuts at Christian Media Conference
NASHVILLE – The first installment in a video series produced in association with "My Hope America with Billy Graham" is planned for release by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association on Monday. Those attending the BGEA breakfast meeting at the National Religious Broadcasters 2013 convention on Sunday were treated to an advanced screening of the gripping program, "Defining Moments."
"God looks at your heart and God sees that you have a spiritual disease, and that spiritual heart disease is called sin," says Billy Graham in the program. "The things that are broken in your heart and life can be restored in Christ, if you put your faith and your obedience in Him."
The video features the redemption stories of three individuals – illusionist Jim Munroe, NFL player David Tyree and musical artist Lacey Sturm – as told by them. Each found success in their careers, yet were still searching for hope while facing struggles.

"Defining Moments" and other installments of the My Hope program series will be available in a wide range of formats later this year – including TV, radio, DVD, and Internet – as part of a major nationwide evangelism initiative by BGEA.
"This is a 30-minute program in which the Gospel message, the good news of Christ, the hope of Christ is communicated," Preston Parrish, vice president of My Hope America with Billy Graham, told The Christian Post. "It's done in a way that is very much in tune with the hurts and the habits of people today."
The three individuals in the program "each in their own way reach their defining moment of questioning who God is, what His plans and purposes for them are, whether there was a hope and a future for them and if so, how do they tap into it," Parrish said.
Interwoven with their stories as they unfold are comments from Graham taken from archive footage of a past crusade sermon talking about the issues of life, he said.
"This program is put together in a way that people are finding very compelling. It really strikes home in people's hearts because everybody if they themselves are not struggling with the issues of meaning and purpose and forgiveness and hope that are raised in 'Defining Moments,' everybody knows a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker, or somebody that they encounter in a daily way who is."
My Hope America with Billy Graham is a grassroots movement in the U.S. that encourages participants to open their doors and lives to people they already know – engaging in meaningful conversation and connections as a catalyst for sharing the hope and love found in a relationship with Jesus Christ, stated BGEA. One-on-one conversations will be the root of this relationship evangelism outreach, with messages like "Defining Moments" available for use in reinforcing the Gospel.
"We need you to be a part of this program," states Franklin Graham, president and CEO of BGEA. "Some of these stories are going to impact lives. We need you to invite your family, your friends. Let's tell them about Jesus."
On the Web: BillyGraham.tv.