Diner Removes Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim

A Vermont diner decided to take down a sign advertising bacon after a Muslim declared that she had a beef with bacon.
Sneakers Bistro had placed a sign on a lamp post that read, "Yield Sneakers Bacon." The diner was allowed to erect the sign because of their participation in a beautification program in the town of Winooski.
A woman who described herself as a "vegan and a member of a Muslim household" called the sign offensive, the Burlington Free Press reported.
"Given the large number of Muslim families in Winooski, as well as many others who do not eat pork for a variety of reasons, it seems unnecessary for this insensitive business sign to be at the city's main crosswalk," she wrote on the Front Page Forum.
The owners of the diner told television WPTZ they decided to proactively pull their pork ad and apologize.
Local news outlets said the town manager commended the owners of the diner — using words like diversity and tolerance and dialogue.
And boy howdy did folks dialogue. Lovers of pork chops and BLT's fired off letters to the diner – taking them to task for giving in to the anti-pork police.
The national outrage seemed to cause angst among the owners of the diner. They posted a message on Facebook:
"We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere."
What safety concerns? Were they worried about high cholesterol or a fatwa?
The diner's statement only added pork fat to the fire. The local newspaper reports the diner got even more complaints. The Facebook message has since been taken down.
"Winooski is a diverse community, and we like it that way," city manager Katherine Decarreau told the Burlington Free Press. "It's uncomfortable, but discomfort can be a source of growth, not just a source of anger and frustration. I think as a community we'll work through this. It's unfortunate that the country seems to be reacting to reports that are blown significantly out of proportion and don't represent what actually happened."
Here in the United States, bacon is a way of life. One renowned bacon scholar called it meat eye candy. There are bacon festivals, bacon books, bacon toothpicks, bacon cupcakes, bacon cheeseburgers and bacon-eating festivals.
This is America. We love bacon. If you have a problem with that, then feel free to head to the border. And don't let the bacon grease hit you on the way out.
May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!