Dr. George Grant Promotes Christian Doctrine in Education
Dr. George Grant is an evangelical educator recognized by a Tennessee newspaper “Review Appeal” as the one who “lives and breathes” education.
Grant is known as a reformed scholar and evangelical activist who hopes to promote sound Christian doctrine, seeking honest answers to honest questions, developing true spirituality and experiencing the beauty of human relationships.
He founded Franklin Classical School, located in Franklin, Tennessee and the King’s Meadow Study Center, which seeks to help the modern church to develop a practical cultural expression of a Christian worldview in art, music, literature, politics, social research, community development and education.
Grant has also produced numerous writings of more than 60 works on the topics relating to theology, school curriculum, arts, fiction and politics.
“I would have to say my chief intellectual mentor has been Francis Schaeffer (philosopher and founder of ‘The Shelter’ in Switzerland). Through him I learned to think in terms of a biblical worldview,” he said.
Currently he is working with his wife, Jennifer, in writing, speaking, and ministering at Franklin, believing that Franklin is an ideal place to practice his teachings.
“We looked at several places,” Grant recalled. “We looked at Texas because that is where we are from, and then North Carolina and Georgia, but we have found in Middle Tennessee a unique collection of Christian people, talented in art, music and literature, who fit what we were looking for. We hope to stay here, Lord willing.”
Grant is also spreading the classical education in other countries such as Iraq and Indonesia.
“We have three schools in the northern part of Iraq and a school in Indonesia, and we continue to seek out more opportunities. We simply have enormous resources at our disposal here in this part of the country.”
Grant is guided in his educational thinking by the works of two men — Thomas Chalmers, who founded New College Edinburgh in the late 1800s, and Abraham Kuyper, Dutch prime minister and theologian who founded the University of Amsterdam.
These two educational leaders felt that the Christian mandate included all aspects of learning and that all education had religious significance.
Grant agrees with their beliefs and he thinks God has commissioned the church to exercise a “merciful discipline” over all of culture.
Grant will continue his educational and teaching ministries this summer by working on several books.