Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson on ISIS: 'Convert Them or Kill Them'

Phil Robertson, star of A&E's hit series "Duck Dynasty," says there are only two options when dealing with the Islamic militant group ISIS: see them turn to Christ or kill them.
Robertson was on Fox News' "Hannity" promoting his new book unPHILtered: The Way I See It when host Sean Hannity asked for his opinion on how to deal with the rising threat of ISIS. "In this case, you either have to convert them – which I think would be next to impossible – I'm not giving up on them, but I'm just saying either convert them or kill them," Robertson said. "One or the other."
Robertson likened ISIS to "street gangs or street thugs on steroids." "We're going to have to deal with this group way more harshly than we have up to this point."
Hannity echoed the sentiments, and then asked Robertson about his statement and the fact that the media would be all over it. "I know there are going to be people always looking to jump on you and say 'convert them or kill them,' and they're going to say 'there goes Phil Robertson again,'" Hannity said. "I know the media. I know how they act." Robertson had been suspended from "Duck Dynasty" for inflammatory comments he made about gays and black people in GQ magazine. The suspension was later reversed.
Robertson reiterated that before anything else, he would like to share the Gospel with them. "I'd much rather have a Bible study with all of them and show them the error of their ways and point them to Jesus Christ," Robertson explained. "However, if it's a gunfight and a gunfight alone, if that's what they're looking for, me personally, I am prepared for either one."
Robertson came onto the set with his Bible and quoted passages such as 1 John 5:19, Ephesians 2, Galatians 3, and 2 Timothy 2 but did not specifically quote a verse to base his conversion or death views. Robertson did cite the Bible to say "all who hate me (God) love death."
ISIS is responsible for thousands of deaths across Iraq and Syria in their pursuit to establish an "Islamic State." They have beheaded two American Journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff, on video and claimed the blood of the men were on the hands of President Obama who authorized airstrikes on ISIS soldiers in Iraq. The militants have carried out forced conversions, where the prisoner either converts to Islam or is put to death.