Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Offers Proof for Jesus Christ in Gregorian Calendar

The widely used Gregorian calendar offers evidence for the historical existence of Jesus Christ, says "Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson, given that it harkens back to the Nativity of Jesus in its dating.
Speaking at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado, over the weekend, which was also attended by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Sarah Palin, Robertson told the crowd: "If your calendar is dated of all the human beings who have ever walked on the Earth, and your calendar is dedicated and predicated to just one of 'em, evidently something rather large went down."
"'How come we say it's 2,016 years, I don't believe in this Jesus stuff,'" he added. "I said, 'well, you're counting time by him dude. Face it!'"
In his speech, Robertson also took aim at the redefinition of marriage in America and the negative consequences he said it will bring.
"When you allow men to determine what's right and what's wrong, you get decisions like the five judges who said, 'I may not know we have 7,000 years of history of men marrying women. A male and a female. For that reason, they'll leave their father and mother and cleave to one another and become one flesh. I know it's been that way for 7,000 years, but we know what's best for everybody.'"
Robertson has opened up about his personal relationship with Christ on a number of occasions, and in a video for "I Am Second" back in 2013 he reflected on his troublesome teenage years and run-ins with the law.
"I didn't even know what the Gospel of Jesus was," he recalled a conversation with a man who was one of the first to share the Gospel with him.
After the man explained, Phil wondered, "How in the world did I ever miss that? I had missed it. I was blown away when I heard that Jesus died for me, was buried and raised from the dead. Something so … simple, but profound ... I had never heard it."