'Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson: 'You Can't Get STDs From Biblically Safe Sex'

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson has spoken out about "Biblically correct sex" and stated that one cannot catch STDs or AIDS if that type of sex is practiced.
"Biblically correct sex is safe," Robertson said during a sermon at the White's Ferry Road Church in Louisiana last month. "It's safe. You're not going to get chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS—if you, if a man marries a woman, and neither of you have it, and you keep your sex between the two of you, you're not going to ever get sexually transmitted diseases."
Robertson, the patriarch of his family and the hit reality series "Duck Dynasty," is known for being outspoken about homosexuality, sexual relations, and family issues. His statements have caused controversy at times and, in one famous instance, led to him being suspended from the show by A&E. Fans, however, were outraged and soon Robertson was back on the series, more popular than ever.
"The Bible said one man, one woman—that's what [God] made to begin with," the devout Christian said. "For this reason, we have a male and a female. For that reason, those two can come together and be married. And when they marry, what God has joined together, let man not separate. They can procreate, fill the Earth with offspring—they need to stay together just like that. You know what those two will never have? They will never have a sexually transmitted disease. You know why? They keep their sex between the two of them. They can't catch a sexually transmitted disease."
Robertson then questioned why there were so many "terrible, debilitating diseases" in the world. He surmised that "orthodox liberal opinion" was to blame. "Just breed anything and anybody. Just have at it. Go for it. Don't be bridled and shackled and live a life of restraint before God Almighty. Don't do that."
Robertson has been married to wife and matriarch Miss Kay since 1966 and they have four children.