Ecumenical Breakthrough in Taiwan Campus Ministries
Three campus ministry groups in Kaohsiung which had ignored each other for decades joined for a Biblical Festival last week. Presbyterian Campus Ministry, the interdenominational Campus Evangelical Fellowship (CEF) and the para-church Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) broke down the walls that had long separated them and united as one body of Christ.
Hwang Ming-chong, from the Presbyterian Church's Kaohsiung Campus Ministry Center, said that each group had long built with a particular emphasis. Evergreen focused on theological reflection and social concern; CEF emphasized personal and group Bible study; and CCC majored in personal evangelism. Each congregation maintained separate goals and programs but had failed to collborate.
Nevertheless, the fellowships were united through the Bible. Rev. Chyi Yi-ren from CEF offered a "General Outline of Psalms and Wisdom Literature." Liou Jih-ping from CCC delivered a speech on "Personal Spiritual Discussion" and Mr. Hwang from Evergreen addressed "The Basics of the Holy Spirit."
The convocation intended to emphasize the search for truth in the university environment and to establish a climate for better communication between the groups Now working in a greater collaborative nature, the three groups will coalesce and synthesize their characters and build a harmony of Christ unprecedented in history of campus ministries.
Editor's Note: The above article was reported by Li Hsin-ren in Chinese then translated by David Alexander and revised and edited by the editor of