End Times Prophecy: Judgment Will Happen With All Mouths 'Stopped'? Christian Apologist Lee Strobel Explains

People wrong each other every day. Some are sorry for their misdeeds while others are content to "get away with it." But during the End Times there will come a day of reckoning when all will be held accountable and will not be able to rebut the charges leveled against them. Their words of dissent will be "stopped."
"No one on the Last Day will legitimately be able to shake their fist to God and say, 'How you're treating me is unfair,'" Christian apologist Lee Strobel tells The Christian Post amid the recently release of his newly-revised New York Times bestseller The Case for Christ.
God will set all wrongs right, and Strobel speaks from personal experience. "I've been the victim of crime before and the perpetrator was never discovered and you feel that injustice," he said. "I think all of us long for the Final Days when the scales will be set right. When God will judge … Because nobody escapes God."
Strobel elaborates using an example from the Bible. "When Moses was going to kill the Egyptian, he looked left, he looked right, and thought nobody was going to know that he'd murdered this Egyptian. But he forgot to look up. God knows."
"People who take advantage of us, or defraud us, or hurt us — we think they get away with it in this world. Ultimately [they] will not. The day will come when justice will be administered."

Strobel points out, however, that justice comes with a caveat. "I think all of us secretly long for that [justice] — except in our own lives. Because I don't think any of us wants to be judged for our own sin."
"We've all sinned. We've all messed up and that's where the grace of God comes in. To cover us with His forgiveness."
Strobel, whose journey as an atheist investigating evidence for Christianity has led him to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior, is grateful for having a changed life. In fact he remembers the exact date that he accepted Christ.
"That moment on November 8, 1981, when I realized the evidence was so powerful and that Chrisitanity was true. John 1:12 says, 'But as many as recieved Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name' (KJV)."
"And so I had to receive Him. So I prayed a prayer of repentance and faith to put my trust in God, and when I did that it began a transformation process over time where my values, my character, my morality, my attitudes, my relationships, my marriage — everything over time — began to change for the good. And I thank God that the Lee Strobel today is not the Lee Strobel during my Atheist era."
Strobel continues to rely upon the Word of God for any of life's challenges. "When I have a question ... I just know that I can research it and I generally am able to find an answer to satisfy my heart and mind."