Everyone Thought This Man Was in a Coma for Over 10 Years; Turns Out They Were Wrong

At 12-years-old, Martin Pistorius of South Africa was diagnosed with a degenerative disease which left him in a vegetative state. Doctors said he had no brain activity and was basically in a coma. Miraculously though, a few years later, his brain woke up and it shocked everyone!
Martin's mind woke up and no one had any idea that it could happen, or was even possible. He had been trapped inside his own body for 12 years. In that time, Martin was able to hear and see many things that no one should ever have to endure, including abuse in patient care homes, and his mother sitting by him wishing that he would eventually find peace and die. Pistorius could see his mother next to him, but it was impossible for him to offer her comfort.
Finally, someone realized that there was a spark of life in his eyes one day as Pistorius started his journey back. He loves to talk about that day and how he eventually met his wife. His SMILE is contagious.
Listen to his inspirational story below: