Ex-Gay Gospel Singer Donnie McClurkin Under Fire After Speaking Out Against Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Donnie McClurkin, the pastor and gospel music singer who said God delivered him from "the curse" of homosexuality, is now under fire from critics after speaking out against last Friday's U.S. Supreme Court ruling which made same-sex marriage legal nationwide.
McClurkin, 55, received some harsh criticism after he shared his interpretation of the Bible's position on homosexuality on Facebook last Friday.
"We've just received the answer from man's Supreme Court ... we already received the answer from GOD," the pastor of Perfecting Faith Church in New York wrote. "With NO REGARD to what the Supreme Court of MAN decrees ... no matter what MY past was or feelings & struggles ... GOD has set the only standard for marriage to be between man and woman ... in biology, in physiology, in history, biblically & scripturally and that ... I will NEVER speak against!"
Although some critics decided to shed light on McClurkin's own homosexual past, the man of God did not shy away from reacting to some of his critics' messages.
"We don't have to agree in order to love! State your mind without disrespect ... pro or con. ... Dialogue without an evil heart and wicked words," McClurkin responded to critical comments. "WE DON'T HAVE TO AGREE TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!!! No animosity to any for the evil posts and comments ... love you all ... God bless."
After one Christian homosexual Facebook user questioned why his sins were scrutinized by believers more than heterosexual sins, McClurkin insisted his post was not questioning anyone's relationship with God.
"... I simply said I don't agree with the verdict of the Supreme Court. ... I don't have to be PERFECT to speak what the Bible says or what I know to be true," McClurkin responded to his critic. "I don't know where you'll be if you die tomorrow and that wasn't a point in my blog. ... I just don't agree with the verdict and believe the Bible — that's all."
At the end of his initial Facebook post, McClurkin spoke about loving all people, including homosexuals. Still, he drove his point home by admitting his own wrongs and addressing the issue in love.
"... WE STAND AGAINST ALL SIN, EVEN IF ITS IN US. ... AND WE DON'T AGREE WITH OR CONCEDE TO SOCIETY'S CHANGE OF GOD'S PLAN AND INTENTION FOR MAN! THE SUPREME COURT WAS WRONG. GOD AND HIS WORD IS RIGHT," McClurkin wrote. "I know, I know, I've done many things in this regard wrongly, but that only qualifies me to address it! In love."
This is not the first time McClurkin has received backlash for speaking up about his thoughts concerning homosexuality. In 2013, he was removed from the lineup of a Washington, D.C. concert celebrating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington after sharing his personal testimony of being delivered from homosexuality.
The pastor spoke about the matter on "The Tom Joyner Morning Show," where he opened up about being molested multiple times as a child before engaging in a homosexual lifestyle. Because of his own history, McClurkin insisted he is not homophobic.
"You can't call me a homophobic if I've been a homosexual," he said on the radio show. "That's quite a stretch."