'Fake' Congolese Pastors Often Trafficking Children and Guns in Zambia, Evangelist Says (VIDEO)
The Christian Post recently reported on a supposed pastor accused of trafficking children in Zambia, and a distinguished Zambian evangelist insists that the case is not an isolated issue.
Dr. Justine Likuka, who is the Founder and President of Gates of Glory Ministries in Ndola, Zambia, shared with The Christian Post that Congolese criminals have been known to sneak into the country and present themselves as pastors, a well-respected title in Zambia, so that they can pass through and carry out their illegal activities without trouble from the police.
“The so called Congolese pastors are found in a lot of scandals when they come to Zambia. Some are found with illegal weapons like guns, some are members of gangs or crime syndicates etc,” Dr. Likuka said.
A 35-year-old man, Moses Kamba Ndanji, who presented himself as a pastor chaperoning a group of children ranging in age from 2 to 8 years old to a party in Chingola, Zambia, was arrested this week when police found he did not have any documents for the children. They have since been returned to their parents in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to the Zambia Post. It was suggested that the parents knew about the plan and wanted their children taken out of the country in order to protect them from post-election violence.
Dr. Likuka stressed that Zambia does not have a problem with child trafficking, but that his country “is being used as a haven for these crooked people and also because of its position with the DRC, Zambia is like a route for them out of their country.”
Besides human trafficking and the smuggling of illegal guns and drugs, the eastern part of the DRC has been plagued with many serious crimes that are rarely reported.
According to a United Nation statistics, 48 women are raped every hour in the region. The crimes are never punished and they are most often carried out by rebel fighters who assault women out on work in the fields, and even build concentration camps where they imprison them and keep them for that purpose, Catholic Online revealed.