Franklin Graham Denounces Obama's Visit to Mosque: 'Islam Cannot Save Anyone'

The Rev. Franklin Graham denounced President Barack Obama's recent visit to a mosque in Maryland, declaring that "Islam cannot save anyone."
For the first time in his presidency, Obama visited a mosque on Wednesday, delivering remarks at the Islamic Society of Baltimore.
In a post on his official Facebook page, Graham wrote that the trip and the media coverage of it were "an attempt to recast what [Obama] said was 'a warped image of Islam.'"

"The foundations of this nation have nothing to do with Islam, but everything to do with the Church of Jesus Christ. Islam cannot save anyone from Hell or open the gates of Heaven," posted Graham.
"Only One can do that — Jesus Christ, the Son of God who paid the debt of sin for all mankind by giving His life as a sacrifice on Calvary's cross where He suffered and died for our sins, took our sins to the grave, and on the third day God raised Him triumphantly to life. He's alive today. Muhammad is dead. I worship a risen Lord! Islam can't compete with that."
Graham's comment came in response to Obama's first official visit to a mosque during his presidency, giving a speech at the Islamic Society of Baltimore.
During his speech, Obama said the recent wave of "inexcusable political rhetoric against Muslim Americans has no place in our country."
"We've seen children bullied. We've seen mosques vandalized. Sikh Americans and others who are perceived to be Muslims have been targeted, as well," Obama continued.
"We're one American family. And when any part of our family starts to feel separate or second-class or targeted, it tears at the very fabric of our nation."
Graham's post, which as of Friday morning has garnered over 200,000 likes and more than 63,000 shares, appears to be in response to the portion of the speech wherein Obama said that "Islam has always been part of America."
"Starting in colonial times, many of the slaves brought here from Africa were Muslim. And even in their bondage, some kept their faith alive," continued Obama.
"The first Islamic center in New York City was built in the 1890s. Muslim Americans worked on Henry Ford's assembly line, cranking out cars. A Muslim American designed the skyscrapers of Chicago."
Over the past few years Graham has garnered headlines for his controversial comments about Islam both in interviews and through posts on social media.
For example, last November in response to a wave of brutal terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris and Beirut, Graham wrote on Facebook that "Islam has declared war on the world."
"Islam has declared war on the world, and it's high time we acknowledge it and respond decisively," Graham said. "I don't know about you, but I don't want to live under Islam. I will bow my knee to no one except Almighty God."