Franklin Graham Ends Decision Texas Tour, Says Level of Hatred Toward Trump Is 'Unbelievable'

Evangelist Franklin Graham concluded his Decision Texas tour Thursday night before 9,000 people at Maude Cobb Convention and Activity Complex in Longview, where he warned that "hatred" is a growing problem in America.
"It doesn't matter if your're a Democrat or a Republican or an Independent, I think all of us agree our country is in trouble," Graham said in a Facebook video from the event, which also included musical performances by Christian band Crowder.
"The level of hatred in the media today toward our President (Donald Trump) is unbelievable, I've never seen anything like this in all my life," he added.
Trump has clashed with numerous media outlets throughout his term, often branding mainstream news reports as "fake news."
In his speech, Graham condemned the "hatred" and "venom" that continues to seep every day in the country.
The president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and relief group Samaritan's Purse argued that Republicans cannot save the nation.
"The swamp is too deep," he said, referring to Trump's famous slogan on "draining the swamp" in Washington, D.C.
"The only person who can fix the problems of this nation is God," Graham said.
He told the crowd that the Bible dictates that people pray for those in authority, regardless if they voted for them or not.
The evangelist urged Christians to pray that God will "heal the hearts" of politicians so that "they would come to work together for the good of all Americans."
Graham talked about Hurricane Harvey, which caused great devastation in Texas last month, and along with a string of other major hurricanes decimated much of the Caribbean.
He suggested that he does not believe such natural phenomena is a punishment from God, but at the same time warned that all people are guilty of sin.
"Unless we repent, we are going to perish," he said.
As to what counts as sin, Graham offered: "Telling a lie is a sin. Stealing is a sin against God. False testimony, saying something that's not true" are also sins, he continued.
He warned about adultery, and insisted that marriage is between "a man and a woman," rather than a man and a man or a woman and a woman.
"Murder is a sin," he continued. But as for people who would say, "this is Texas, we know how to deal with people like that," Graham replied: "Really? How about abortion? That's right, abortion is murder. There's some of you here who are guilty. Some of you men who have approved of your girlfriend, or your wife, or your sister of having an abortion, you're guilty."
"Some of you have been carrying this guilt and this shame for a long time, but God is eager to forgive you," he noted, adding that people "have to come through the cross of Jesus Christ" first.
Graham later invited people to come before the stage in order to repent from their sins and turn to Christ.
The Lone Star Tour traveled through seven cities in Texas in October, and was a follow up on Graham's Decision America tour, which last year visited all 50 state capitals ahead of the U.S. presidential elections.
Although Graham did not endorse a political candidate during the tour, he urged Americans to vote based on biblical principles.