Franklin Graham Speaks Out Against School District's Sex Ed Program as Being a 'Poison' Aimed at 'Brainwashing' Children to Believe Their Gender Can Change Over Time

Leading evangelist Franklin Graham has spoken out against a Virginia school district that's weighing a curriculum change to its family life classes that focus on educating students on the "fluid spectrum" of sexuality, which would include teaching the concept that one's sexuality "evolves" throughout his or her lifetime.
The Fairfax County School Board will introduce on Thursday recommendations provided by its Family Life Education curriculum subcommittee suggesting that the school district teach middle and high schools students about transgenderism, gender identity and sexual identity.
According to a 28-page recommendation report by the subcommittee, starting in the eighth grade, students in the county would be taught that sexuality is a "broader spectrum."
"Students will identify that development of individual identity occurs over a lifetime and includes the component of sexual orientation and gender identity," the report states. "Individual identity will also be described as having four parts — biological gender, gender identity (includes transgender), gender role, and sexual orientation (includes heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual). The concept that sexuality is a broader spectrum will be introduced."
In ninth and tenth grades, students would be taught that their sexual orientation could naturally shift throughout their lifetimes.
"Instruction will include that individuals are sexual beings from birth to death and that sexuality evolves from infancy to old age," the report added. "Instruction will include how sexuality develops throughout a lifetime and how sexuality encompasses attitudes, values, and behaviors. Emphasis will be placed on an understanding that there is a broader, boundless, and fluid spectrum of sexuality that is developed throughout a lifetime."
According to a statement provided to The Christian Post by Fairfax County Public Schools spokesperson, John Torre, a final vote on the subcommittee's recommendations will be held on June 25, after a 30-day public comment period.
After reading about the subcommittee's proposal in a Fox News article, Graham, who is the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, took to Facebook to offer his opinion that the subcommittee's recommendations are nothing more than "poison" and an attempt to "brainwash" students.
"Can you believe these idiots? Gender fluidity? Here's an example of some of the wicked things misguided educators today want to expose our children to," Graham wrote. "It should make your blood boil that they want to brainwash our children! Teaching them that there is no difference between boys and girls is nothing more than a lie. We are different because God made us different. School districts should not allow this poison anywhere near the classroom!"
Graham further stated that Christians should see this is a reason to get more involved in local politics. He said policies and proposals such as the curriculum reccomendation are a result of school officials not upholding biblical principles.
"This is a great example of why Christians should be involved in politics at all levels in our communities, cities, and nation. Christians upholding biblical principles on school boards could help put a stop to outrageous initiatives like this," Graham added. "Let's fight back by getting the names of Christians on the ballots and working to make a difference for the future of our nation."
The school district voted earlier this month to add gender identity to its nondiscrimination policy, a move that Fox News reported had some parents upset. But now that the school district could be implementing lessons on sexual and gender identity that some Christian and conservative parents feel are not suitable for their children, some parents are outraged.
Torre told CP that parents would be able to remove their children from the family life classroom for lessons they disapprove of, just like the school district allows them to do currently.
"Parents have been able to opt their students out of Family Life Education designated lessons in the past and will continue to have that ability under the committee's recommendations - including the sexual orientation and gender identity lessons," Torre said.
Michael Gryboski contributed to this report.