Freedom March to host intercessory weekend of testimonies, prayer for revival among LGBT across the US

A movement of men and women who once lived and identified as LGBT will be hosting an intercessory prayer next weekend amid an uptick of people reaching out to them saying they, too, want to follow Jesus.
Jeffrey McCall, the co-founder of the Freedom March, said in an interview with The Christian Post on Friday that while they originally hoped to hold a rally in the Atlanta, Georgia, as they have done previously in other major U.S. cities — the first one being in Washington, D.C., in the spring of 2018 — they were unable to obtain the necessary permits. Instead, they will be hosting a prayer and testimony event for those who've left homosexual and transgender identities behind and tell of their newfound freedom in Christ.
McCall has been hearing from increasing numbers of people, complete strangers, who've managed to find the Freedom March online and reach out to express their desire to deny themselves and walk in obedience with the Lord with regard to their sexuality.
"Probably around June or July we started, both in the Freedom March email inbox and in my ministry, For Such a Time, hearing from people that we did not know, saying that they wanted to leave the LGBTQ lifestyle. Several of them said they had supernatural encounters with God and they heard the Lord speak Scriptures to them. Others just heard Him say 'Leave the life,'" McCall told CP.
"We've had the most activity that I've ever seen in my years of ministry," he said, estimating that there has been a 70% increase in correspondence.
The event, which is being called Freedom Family Weekend, will be held at New Bridge Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Oct. 16 and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 17. Freedom Family Weekend will be open to the public, particularly those with an interest in interceding for revival among LGBT-identified people. It will also be live-streamed on Facebook.
McCall believes the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to this notable rise in interest.
"I believe that the coronavirus has been this season of so much chaos and turmoil in this country and it has driven people to just question things, to take an evaluation of our own lives and to realize that with all that's going on in the United States of America that there is way more to life than what they previously thought," he continued.
McCall said he was buoyed by a recent prophetic word that was given by Kent Christmas, founding pastor of Regeneration Nashville, at The Return, an intercessory prayer and repentance event that was held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 26.
In that message, Christmas said a great revival was coming soon, and that part of it was God moving among the homosexual community and setting them free by the Spirit of God.
"I was so excited when I saw it because it correlated with so much of what I'm seeing. People can say things are going to happen all day long, but when someone is saying that something is happening and you're seeing it happen, and hardly anyone knows because they don't know about what's going on in the LBGTQ community. It was amazing to see because it was the Holy Spirit speaking through him what has already begun. It's already started," he said.
In addition to sharing testimonies, the weekend will focus heavily on intercession for the nation, praying specifically that the veils of deception be lifted from those within the LGBT community and for those who've left that life behind to be strengthened and walk in faithfulness, McCall said.
"The main thing we want to do over everything is to uplift the name of Jesus Christ and what His sacrifice did and that we honor Him. That's our main objective. Seeing the war in the heavenlies shift, and seeing the power of God lifted up and what this can do. Because the Bible says that they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony," he said, referencing Revelation 12:11.
"One of the things that is happening in the United States right now is an open clash of good versus evil. We're seeing it in politics. We're seeing it in churches. It's clashing publicly. And so with the coronavirus and all the things going on in our country in so many different spheres, the clash of good and evil is stirring up people's hearts. And when good and evil is battling all around you it makes you draw a line and people are either going to have to step on side of the line of truth and grace and righteousness or they're stepping on the side of lies, deception, falsehood and sin. It's time for people to wake up," he said.
Last spring during his quiet time he sensed the Lord say to him that "the days of not standing up for righteousness are over."
"And when He said that I knew He wasn't talking about the world but the Body of Christ. This business of sitting on the fence, not saying anything, those days are over. That's not what God is going to have before Jesus Christ returns. So I think it's about making righteousness brighter."