Fresh From the Frontline: Why Donald Trump Is Dominating

Thursday I had the honor of speaking to over 300 pastors who gathered from 9 AM till 4 PM prior to the first Republican presidential debate in my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. The presidential candidates had opportunities to share but most eyes were riveted on Donald Trump, as they were in the evening debate.
Meeting rooms and living rooms across America are buzzing with a mysterious question: "Why the phenomenon of Trumpmania in our current election?"
Peggy Noonan, former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan and my favorite columnist, said in the Wall Street Journal, "His rise is not due to his supporter's anger at government. It is a gesture of contempt for government, for the men and women in Congress, the White House, the agencies. It is precisely because people have lost their awe for the presidency that they imagine Mr. Trump as a viable president."
A former supporter of Barack Obama told Peggy, "The whole country will be in better shape. And ISIS won't like it that he's in charge. He's very wealthy and can turn around the economy. He'll get things moving. The Donald will kick a**."
Peggy went on to say her friend "knows other supporters locally and among friends of her son, an Iraq vet, they are completely disgusted and just furious, and he's igniting their passion. He's telling them 'I will make this country great again,' and they believe him. Mr. Trump is dismissed as exciting, but 'we have to get excited to get up out of the chair to vote.'"
Prophetic leader, Jeremiah Johnson, believes Donald Trump is a trumpet. Just as God raised up King Cyrus in Isaiah 45, he states that God showed him, "Trump shall become my trumpet to the American people for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find in my people these days. Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed. I'm going to use him to expose darkness and perversion in America like never before, but you must understand that he is like a bull in a china closet. Many will want to throw him away because he will disturb their sense of peace and tranquility, but you must listen through the bantering to discover the truth that I will speak through him. I will use the wealth that I have given him to expose and launch investigations searching for the truth."
10 Reasons Trump is Trumping the Campaign
Let me first state, I am not partisan and totally undecided if I would vote for Donald Trump. I don't know who the best candidate is and that is why I pray daily for God to raise up the right one. Personally, I count the days when the current president will walk off the stage, as I believe he has done more to destroy the United States of America than any president in US history. I am not given to hyperbole; I believe with millions this is fact. I believe it'll take lots of time and work to simply regain ground America has lost under his "leadership."
So why is Donald Trump out in front?
1. People are fed up with the ever-expanding entitlements characterizing our culture and appreciate someone earning their wealth through hard work. The majority of Americans don't begrudge wealth as long as it's gained righteously.
2. The working class sees through phony career politicians pretending to be for them and then doling out the work abroad (like China building our military equipment) plus refusing to establish strong trade agreements benefiting America.
3. With epidemic criminal activity among illegal immigrants overflowing our open borders, people want a protective wall (with Mexico paying for it as Mr. Trump states) as well as enforcement of our in-place immigration laws. Like the TV executive in the film "Network," folks identify with his refrain, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna' take it!"
4. Americans love seeing a politician not beholden to lobbyists and with a proven track record of being able to get things done.
5. Patriots applaud when we accurately label our avowed enemy "radical Islamists" and stand up to their butchery instead of sheepishly backing away. "Waterboarding? They're beheading and slaughtering our people." Give me a break!
6. In nuclear dealings with Iran who vows to destroy "satanic" Israel and America, citizens want a proven negotiator who is not spineless and manipulated, jeopardizing our national security and paving the way for Armageddon. They are attracted to someone who's not afraid to walk away from the table or simply say, "You're fired!"
7. With America in major decline, people are awakening to the problem of incompetent leadership, biased and irresponsible "journalists," and a parade of deceptive politicians destroying our heritage and transforming us into a socialistic, "Third World hellhole," as one New York Times best-selling author proclaims.
Weeks ago our current president boasted on the world's stage that he'd win a third term if he could run. Reality check: 63% of all voters would reject a 3rd term Obama presidency (Rasmussen Poll).
Across America, people are hankering for someone different and new. If someone is going to boast, let them boast about rallying the people to "make America great again!" and not conduct apology tours that infuriate and embarrass us. There really is a groundswell of this sentiment.
8. Americans are tired of polished, poll-driven, people-pleasing politicians who blindly follow the party platform and are reluctant to admit erroneous positions. (Notice the almost uniform opposition to defunding Planned Parenthood in the wake of five factual and explicit videos exposing their reprehensible and callous disregard for human life.) Mr. Trump won multitudes when he admitted and explained his reversal on the taking of unborn babies lives. He said, "I am pro-life! I am against gun-control. I will fight to end Obamacare and replace it with something that makes sense!"
For those howling on his change of position on abortion, the silence is deafening regarding President Obama's and Hillary Clinton's about-face on gay marriage.
9. A billionaire businessman who has the attitude of a winner is refreshing. Having weathered bankruptcies and persevered while refusing whiney blame-shifting, he inspires people in a way akin to Ronald Reagan with his "It's Morning in America" optimism.
10. Astute observers see liberal media's opposition and smearing of Mr. Trump's quest for the presidency and see it as a good sign! Rolling Stone's article, "What the Trump and Cosby Allegations Reveal About Rape Culture" substitutes Donald for the more obvious culprit, Bill Clinton, plus comes from a publication admitting they fabricated a similar story. By the way, Ivana Trump disavowed the accusations and added, "I think he would make an incredible president!"
From the frontline of Cleveland, Ohio I wave the banner that the 2016 presidential campaign is officially underway! Discerning Americans are looking cautiously at this populist entrepreneur whose manifesto boldly proclaims " Make America Great Again!" He's standing up for America and vowing to help us recover from "incompetent leadership," reclaim our heritage and fulfill our manifest destiny as "One nation under God."
Stay tuned.