
Get a Flat Stomach Now!

Let’s talk about the causes of a “big belly” and also clarify the difference between feeling bloated and feeling as though you have more abdominal fat.

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Models on the cover of every fashion and fitness magazine are the envy of every woman who desires to have and hold a flat, sexy stomach. Admit it, don’t you love waking up in the morning with the feeling of a having a flat tummy? Or are you one of those people who wakes up with a flat stomach, but by the end of the day, it looks as though you are four months pregnant? Let’s talk about the causes of a “big belly” and also clarify the difference between feeling bloated and feeling as though you have more abdominal fat.

Abdominal Fat
Fat in the abdominal area can be related to a few causes. The most common cause of abdominal fat is simply taking in too many calories a day. The old adage "calories in = calories" out is true. Extra calories consumed daily will be stored as fat somewhere on the body, sometimes in the belly area. However, abdominal fat can also be an indication of hormonal balance. High levels of the stress hormone cortisol can cause more fat to be deposited around the abdomen. In this case, the herbal blend Relora, which lowers cortisol and raises the anti-stress and anti-aging hormone DHEA, can be very beneficial. Take two pills before bed and one in the morning.

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Insulin is the other hormone that contributes to this problem area because it is a signal to the body to store energy as fat. Insulin is released in high amounts when we eat the bad types of carbohydrates (high glycemic) such as potatoes, juice, pop, candies and muffins rather than the healthier (low glycemic) choices such as berries, green vegetables, slow cooked oatmeal and sweet potatoes. Insulin is also released in high amounts when we fail to eat healthy fats (avocadoes, olive oil and fish), lean protein, fiber and carbohydrates with every meal and snack.

Be sure to balance your healthy protein, carbs and fat choices daily. You should have protein portions the size and width of your palm three times a day. Supplements of CLA and alpha lipoic acid can also help with weight loss, particularly around the abdomen by improving the response to insulin.

Abdominal Bloating
Abdominal bloating is a much different issue and is related more to the function of the digestive system than to storage of fat. This may be the cause of your big belly if you find that your abdomen gets bigger after eating or towards the end of the day, but is flat upon waking. Abdominal bloating can be caused by food allergies, low levels of stomach acid or pancreatic digestive enzymes and bacterial imbalance in the bowel. Taking a digestive enzyme with each meal will assist with the proper breakdown and absorption of the nutrients in your foods and may provide relief. Supplements of acidophilus are also useful to optimize digestion, immunity and wellness. Acidohpilus is best taken on an empty stomach when you wake up or before bed.

To determine if you have food allergies which may be causing the bloating, consider going on a wheat-free, dairy-free meal plan for two to three weeks. If the bloating lessens, you will have found the culprit.

Don’t Forget Exercise!
In order to rid the abdomen of fat, exercise is essential. Include cardio and strength training components in your exercise program. Cardio workouts will help to burn off the calories and building muscle will optimize your metabolic rate.

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