Glenn Beck Calls Ben Carson a 'Lunatic,' Says Presidential Career Is 'Over' for Saying Homosexuality Is a Choice

Conservative media personality Glenn Beck declared renowned neurosurgeon and potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson's presidential career over and branded him a "lunatic" last week for calling homosexuality "absolutely" a choice because of prison sex.
Carson told CNN last Wednesday that he believed homosexuality is "absolutely" a choice citing as an example that "a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight — and when they come out, they're gay…So, did something happen while they were in there?"
Reacting to Carson's comments, on his radio show Friday, Beck called them "ridiculous".
"Goodbye to his presidential career," said Beck. "It's over. It's over. There is no way to recover from that. That just sounds like a lunatic… That is just a ridiculous statement on a million fronts. A ridiculous statement."
"It's not just that he didn't see [the question] coming," Beck continued. "It's that he just thought that was a good answer. That was good enough for him. Just [imagine] I'm at a cocktail party and I'm talking to a friend and they say 'well yeah, you know, you go to prison and you're straight, you get out and you're gay,' don't you look at your friend — I don't care if he's the guy who works at the 7-Eleven and he's not running for president ever — don't you go, 'That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard'?"
Carson has since apologized for the analogy but in a reaction to Beck's comments, Carson's spokesman told Breitbart that the attacks won't stop Carson from being his own man.
"Dr. Carson has a very deep well of support across this country, and he's in the process of gauging its strength and potential. We recognize there are many challenges, and one comment cannot and will not derail Ben Carson from answering the many American voices desperate for real leadership," noted the spokesman.
"His position on gay marriage is nearly identical to all the possible candidates. He just did something very un-Washington; he told a reporter the truth about the right of states to determine their own laws reflecting the wishes of their own citizens. He apologized for his prison analogy but not for his position on gay marriage," he added.
Carson is former director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. A position he rose to at the age of 33 which made him the youngest major division director in the hospital's history. He was also a co-director of the Johns Hopkins Craniofacial Center.
Listen to the complete clip on Carson from Beck's show below: