Glenn Beck Calls Out 'Family Guy' for Episode Featuring Jesus Trying to Lose Virginity

Glenn Beck is speaking out against the adult cartoon "Family Guy" for airing a Christmas episode that may have taken things too far with its portrayal of Jesus Christ.
Last Sunday, "Family Guy" portrayed Jesus as a manipulative individual whose main goal seemed to be losing his virginity by his Christmas birthday.
"After running into Jesus at the Quahog Mall, Peter is stunned to discover that the Son of God is still a virgin," an episode description of the FOX network show reads. "So, he enlists Quagmire and Cleveland to help him throw Jesus the best birthday ever by finding a way to help him become a man."
Beck, the conservative Mormon media personality, spoke out against people who believed the cartoon was pushing boundaries in a brave way. After the episode titled, "The 2,000 Year Old Virgin" aired, Beck took to The Blaze radio show to speak out against it on behalf of Christians.
"'Family Guy,' this Sunday, it's an edgy cartoon known for pushing boundaries. It aired a Christmas-inspired episode Sunday night about Jesus that apparently has some viewers angry," Beck said on The Glenn Beck Program. "Virtually all Christians. Others are saying that this is the bravest show on television. Let me explain something about bravery. It is not brave to do the things that the elite and the powerful agree with."
Beck went on to question why so many people felt the need to corrupt the name of Jesus.
"Can you tell me one man that has changed the world for the better, made people more peaceful, more decent, more honorable than Jesus? But every great act, every great truly great freeing act was inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ," Beck said. "Why would we take down just that man? Why would we make him into a joke?"
Last April, evangelical college Liberty University invited Beck to speak at its final convocation despite the fact that he was a Mormon. Still, the conservative pundit made it clear that he shared Christian beliefs that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world.
"I share your faith. I am from a different denomination," Beck said during his speech. "And a denomination, quite honestly, that I'm sure can make many people at Liberty uncomfortable. I'm a Mormon. But I share your faith in the atonement of the savior Jesus Christ."