'God Created Marriage, He Is the Only One That Can Define It,' Rev. Garland Hunt Says at Family Research Council Event

Rev. Garland Hunt addressed the growing perceived threat to traditional Christian marriage in a speech on Thursday.
"God created marriage; therefore, he's the only one that can define it," Hunt said at the Family Research Council event in Washington, D.C. "Contrary to popular opinion, actually the Supreme Court is not the final arbitrator, so we're lining up with the final arbitrator [God]."
The Supreme Court announced it would take up the case and hear arguments about whether states can ban same-sex marriages. The court previously decided to allow same-sex marriage in California in a landmark decision, leading the way for 36 states to allow same-sex marriage.
"I believe if the court decides in not as God defined it, the people have to stand forth and hold true to what we believe from family to family, community to community, church to church. Over 70 percent of the state (Georgia) vote for marriage between a man and a woman, and now it's back in the courts," he explained. "They're targeting Georgia to break that down. So, yes, just like the people vote, the people have to stand together on truth. This is what we are saying. And we cannot compromise what we believe under any circumstance."
Hunt is the president of Prison Fellowship, which seeks to provide inmates with a Christian foundation while behind bars. He also served as the executive pastor of The Father's House in Atlanta, Georgia. Hunt has done a lot of work in the community, working with various ministries and programs in order to effect change.
Adding fuel to the fire between states and Supreme Court is Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, who has decided not to issue any marriage certificates to same-sex couples despite a ruling by the District Court. He has argued that states should have the right to decide for themselves, rather than allowing courts to dictate what constitutes marriage.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has not hidden his disappointment with Moore's actions.
"This acquiescence may well be seen as a signal of the court's intended resolution of that question," he wrote in an opinion with Justice Antonin Scalia. "This is not the proper way … and it is indecorous for this court to pretend that it is."