Grief, evangelism and COVID-19: Four takeaways from Q 2020 Virtual Summit

Last week, a number of influential Christian pastors, thought leaders, and authors gathered virtually for the socially distanced Q 2020 Virtual Summit.
Held April 22-23, Q 2020 Virtual Summit showcased a series of educational talks from Francis Chan, Lecrae, Priscilla Shirer,Tim Keller,Bill Johnson, and others, with musical offerings from Andrew Peterson and Dave Barnes.
Founded in 2007 by Gabe and Rebekah Lyons, the annual event seeks to equip Christian leaders to thoughtfully engage culture from a Christian worldview.
“We’re trying to understand the cultural moment as best as we can,” Gabe Lyons said at the start of the conference. “And in doing that, really relying on the Holy Spirit to guide us ... the power of the Spirit is critical to us understanding. This is what separates us as Christians from the rest of the world and those who don’t believe and don’t understand. We are to have ears to understand and eyes to see.”
“I hope we all can come into this with a posture of worship,” he added. “With a posture of, we don’t know it all, we won’t know it all, but we do know the one who understands, who sees, who knows the future, who we can have hope in. That’s where we want to place our hope.”
Here are four interesting insights from several of this year’s Q 2020 Virtual Summit speakers.