Gun Control and No Fly Lists Won't Fix This

The day before Thanksgiving, President Obama assured Americans all was well and he knew "of no specific and credible intelligence indicating a plot on the homeland" based "on the latest information I just received in the Situation Room."
A week later, in San Bernardino, California, America experienced the most serious terrorist attack on American soil since September 11, 2001. Yet, during his Oval Office speech December 6, President Obama appeared more upset about his unattained ideological dream of gun control than what happened in San Bernardino.
Those watching his speech in the room I was in corporately exhaled a sigh of relief that President Obama finally joined the FBI and the majority of Americans to call the attack for what it was, an act of terrorism.
What a low bar we've set that we are overjoyed that our president just called a terrorist attack a terrorist attack.
During his speech, President Obama seemed to spend too much time talking about potential discrimination against Muslims, echoing his Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, who earlier in the week threatened legal action against Americans participating in whatever the Obama administration's definition is of hate speech.
To heck with the First Amendment, apparently.
During a Sunday news show, Lynch also cautioned Americans against jumping to any conclusions regarding the shooters regarding their motives or ties to ISIS, despite evidence showing it was at least an ISIS-inspired attack.
The nearly 15-minute speech offered more of the same with really no new strategy, leaving Americans no assurance that anything of significance is being done to prevent another San Bernardino or worse. Instead and quite disturbingly, Obama offered the distraction of gun control, reiterating his relentless ideological silliness that utilizing America's "no-fly" list for gun control would help.
Given that California has some of the most stringent gun control laws on the books and that apparently neither of the San Bernardino terrorists were on the no-fly list, it makes absolutely no sense that more gun control or a no-fly list background check would have done anything to prevent what happened.
Anyhow, it's public knowledge that many law-abiding Americans are mistakenly on the no-fly list. If Americans give in to this, who's to say that other innocent Americans would not be placed on that list, which National Public Radio reported back in April includes hundreds of innocent people who had no idea they were on it or how they got there?
Especially if the definition of who should be on the list is determined by liberals.
Remember years back, the Obama administration's Department of Homeland Security compiled their own "list" of dangerous people in a report they titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." Their list pretty much included half of America. You know, all those scary, hard-working, Constitutional-championing, pro-life-embracing, capitalism-espousing, Second Amendment-supporting, legal immigration-defending, Bible-believing Americans. Even returning war veterans made the list.
Now let's get real. Would a jihadist go through legal means to purchase a gun? Reports say the long guns the San Bernardino shooters used were purchased by someone else. In addition to the guns, investigators say the two terrorists were living in a proverbial bomb factory, finding 12 pipe bombs and a vast array of bomb making tools. I'm surprised the left doesn't call for a ban on pipes.
America does not have a gun problem. America has a leadership problem, thanks to those who are obsessed by political correctness and behave as if the NRA is more of an enemy than terrorists.
America also has a heart problem. Uncontrolled hearts cannot be fixed by controlling guns. Take away guns and evil will find another way. Ask the San Bernardino victims' families. Fix the heart and you fix the problem. Or rather, if God fixes the heart he fixes the problem.
Until then, praying Americans will continue to pray as we wait for new leadership to help us out of this mess.