Health of post-COVID church depends on vibrant small groups, says researcher

Though much is still unknown about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on churches, one thing is certain: The health of the Body of Christ will depend largely on a vibrant small group system, a researcher has said.
The correlation between smalls groups and church health is well documented.
“I’m preaching this constantly, ‘You’ve got to be in a group. You’re not really a part of this church unless you are in a group.’ And that’s how we have more people in small groups than actually come on Sunday morning,” he said.
“Small groups are not a ministry of the church, small groups are not a program of the church, small groups are not an outreach of the church, small groups are not an event of the church, small groups are the church.”
Warren recently revealed that over 3,000 new small groups have been started during the pandemic and added to the church’s existing network of 6,010 small groups.
“We now have 9,023 small group Bible studies meeting weekly online, helping people cope with the stress and ‘dis-ease’ created by the disease,” he said.
The full “Megachurch 2020” report is available to download for free at: