'Hearthstone' 'A Cavalcade Of Brawls' Tavern Brawl Guide: Classes and Tavern Brawls Coming This Week
A few weeks ago, it was reported that the 100th Tavern Brawl of "Hearthstone" was going to be a crazy one. This week, it has finally arrived and players are already going gaga over it.
In "A Cavalcade of Brawls," one Brawl is assigned to each class, and each class needs to battle it out with their opponent, regardless of the classes they are playing. Apparently, not all combinations of Brawls are fair, so it is possible for one player to get caught in a Brawl with a very slim chance of ever taking down his opponent.
Although the 100th Tavern Brawl is a fun Brawl to play as it shows how the various Brawls interact with each other, it also calls for some luck to win this game. Here, each class takes part in a past Tavern Brawl so each deck applies a different set of rules. And since players need a good amount of luck to succeed, sometimes it no longer matters which class they pick. However, it still pays to take note of each class and their Tavern Brawls to figure out what specific strategies to use in winning the game.
Here are the different classes in the game and the Tavern Brawls they are offering this week.
Rogue - Valeera's Bag of Burgled Spells. This deck is filled with a variety of spells which, when played, calls for a minion of the same cost.
Druid - Idols of Azeroth. This deck consists of Raven Idols.
Mage - Too Many Portals. This deck holds seven random Mage cards plus 23 Unstable Portals.
Shaman - Party Portals. This deck is filled with Portal cards.
Warrior - Banana Brawl. Here, the player gets a random banana buff card when a minion dies.
Hunter - Randomonium. In this deck, the mana costs of the player's cards get randomized in every turn.
Priest - Cloneball. This deck consists of random Legendaries which can be discounted by three when the Offensive Play card is used.
Warlock - ShiftCon. In this deck are various Shifter Zerus and some spells.
Paladin - Servant of Yogg-Saron Tryouts- Here, a random spell is placed on a random target each time the player plays a minion.
Players who want the best deck for a free Classic Pack may use either Rogue or Mage, since both classes are able to obtain Brawls with discounted cards.