'Hearthstone' Guide, Tips: How to Do Well in 'A Peek to the Past' Tavern Brawl
Blizzard challenges the more experienced players with this week's Tavern Brawl. This is some sort of a throwback gameplay mode for "Hearthstone," where all that's allowed are cards from the base set, and only up to rare ones at that.
This week, "Hearthstone" is introducing a new Tavern Brawl which takes players back from the days of yore when only the Basic and Classic sets were around. The new challenge is called "A Peek to the Past," and it will only let players draft their deck using common and rare cards from the Basic and Classic set.
The selection is confining enough, but these selections would be the nerfed versions as well, according to the International Business Times. Additionally, some of the best cards in the Basic and Classic sets have been locked off the Hall of Fame, and the selection looks to be really slim here.
This changes the dynamic considerably, with such a meager selection of tools at players' disposal. It makes for a fun Tavern Brawl challenge, as players are straining to get every bit of value from their Basic and Classic cards. A decent build to take this challenge on is the Face Hunter, a build that focuses on early game power with minions, to secure a safe progression to mid-game damage cards.
"Savannah Highmane" is an important card for this build, with minion drops that add up to 10/9 worth of stats making this a highly cost-effective card, even better than the "Boulderfist Ogre" which just drops a total minion value of 6/7.
After setting up the board with minions, the Face Hunter is now relatively safe to deal direct damage to the opponent. "WolfRider," "Kill Command," and "Eaglehorn Bow" will rack up the hits straight onto the opposing player, while "Chillwind Yeti," and "Sunwalker" hold back minions with Taunt.
"Hunter's Mark," "Explosive Trap," "Freezing Trap," "Deadly Shot," and "Unleash the Hounds" round up the other direct damage cards needed to quickly settle "A Peek at the Past" with this Face Hunter build.