High Potassium Diet Can Lower Blood Pressure
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. This is according to statistics. One in three American adults is hypertensive. There are 75 million adults who have high blood pressure, but only 54 percent of them have their condition under control. Everyday, there are 1,100 deaths from high blood pressure.
High blood pressure is blamed on consuming high levels of sodium (salt) — the reason why cardiologists advise their patients to cut back on sodium rich foods. But previous findings suggest that high blood pressure can be controlled by a potassium-rich diet regardless of sodium intake.
This means a diet that includes potassium-rich fruits and vegetables is good for the heart as it could reduce the blood pressure reading. An increase in potassium intake along with a decrease in sodium is the most important dietary change a person can make to reduce the risk of heart attack.
One rich source of potassium is potato which is recommended to be eaten with its skin on. An average size baked potato contains 535 milligrams of potassium, around 15 percent of the recommended daily intake. Other sources of potassium are bananas, avocados, mushrooms, and dark, leafy veggies.
Another benefit of potassium is that it helps rid the body of sodium. Prof. Alicia McDonough of University of Southern California likened a high potassium diet to taking a diuretic drug. "When dietary potassium is high, kidneys excrete more salt and water, which increases potassium excretion," she explained.
On the other hand, potassium deficiency is dangerous. The recommended daily amount of potassium intake for people above 14 years old is 4.7 grams. It is fine to exceed the requirement as the kidney discharges the excess amount. But low potassium could be worrisome considering its essential role in the body function.
Aside from regulating blood pressure, potassium also helps in normal digestion and heart function. It likewise reduces salt sensitivity and minimizes the risk of kidney stone formation. Furthermore, it serves as an electrolyte by carrying nerve impulses to the cells and conducting electricity.