Imgur User Debuts New Photo-Realistic 'GTA 5' Mod (VIDEO)
A new "GTA V" mod has surfaced giving the game a near life-like appearance and making gameplay appear realistic.
The "GTA V" mod, named the "Toddyhancer," was discovered on an Imgur post owned by Toddyftw, the online handle of user Martin Bergman, who displayed "GTA V" photos on "Toddyhancer."
Apart from the photo-realistic images, Bergman also posted a short clip of the mod running "GTA V" in real time, with the "Toddyhancer's" enhanced graphical features making the work-in-progress footage appear as close to real life as possible.
Initially presumed to be the highly-anticipated iCEnhancer mod from technical artist and mod developer Hayssam Keilany, the "Toddyhancer" looks to be an even better mimic of the real world of car chases.
Bergman utilized temporal anti-aliasing and increased the game's lighting and reflective detail by reshading shaders. He also used graphic programmer and modder Boris Vorontsov's TES Skyrim ENBSeries mod to improve real-time shadows and the game's ambient dither.
Bergman's "Toddyhander" Facebook page explains the mod knocks off between 10 to 20 frames per seconds. The video on his Imgur page was played on a powerful 17-inch Asus ROG G751JY gaming laptop equipped with Nvidia GTX 980m.
Bergman has also announced he will be configuring the "Toddyhancer" to run on lower-powered computers, particularly for devices averaging 30fps. For PCs and laptops playing between 40fps to 60fps, players will be looking at console-performance gameplay.
To run the "Toddyhancer" mod, Berman recommends a gaming laptop with at least a GTX 960 with Intel i7, over 8GB of RAM, and more than 2G of GTU VRAM to run the uber-realistic version of "GTA V" with its lighting effects and enhanced shadows.
While the "Toddyhancer" is still a work in progress, interested "GTA V" players can log on to Bergman's Facebook page for updates and announcements.