Is Prayer Part of My Protection?
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Ephesians 6:11
How would you like to have a super weapon that no one could resist or defend against? Did you know you do have one? It is called prayer. The Lord Jesus used the weapon of prayer many times in His earthly life. He wanted always to do His Father's will. He also took time to thank His Father, God.
Jesus told His followers to always pray and not give up. Prayer is an important part of your protection against the enemy. Each day your enemy, Satan, prowls around looking for someone to hurt (1 Peter 5:8). You can try to fight him, but you would not win by yourself. You need to pray and ask your Heavenly Father for help.
Prayer is talking to God. Satan trembles when God's children pray. He knows that if you pray, God listens, and Satan will lose. Part of prayer is learning to listen and obey. It's not just a time for you to talk to God, it's also a time for Him to talk to you. Prayer is a super weapon, but it won't help you if you don't use it. You can pray any time, any place, about anything. Just do it!
Used with Permission