ISIS Uses New Execution Method of 'Inhumane Brutality' to Kill 10 Afghan Prisoners

The Islamic State terror group has released a video showing what appears to be a new method of execution to kill 10 men accused of apostasy in Afghanistan. The graphic footage shows the prisoners being forced to kneel down above bombs that have been buried in the ground, before the jihadists detonate the charges.
The Daily Mail reported on Monday that the footage was taken in an unknown location in Afghanistan, where the blindfolded prisoners are led out onto a hill where the bombs are buried, before being executed. The men are believed to be from the Shinwari tribe in the Afghan province of Nangarhar and were accused of aiding the Taliban, which is one of IS' rivals.
IS militants have been killing Afghans fighting for rival groups, and for the central Afghan government, which has been pushing back against the extremists.
Like many of IS' other videos, the latest footage is highly stylized, and features several fighters on horseback or standing with machine guns above the prisoners. The jihadists are shown checking to see if the bombs are ready and correctly secured.
After the prisoners are made to kneel down, the IS fighters sprint away from the scene just before the charges detonate and kill the Afghans.
The Mail noted that the final scenes of the video are "too graphic to describe but represent the inhumane brutality of the jihadi organisation, who are continuing to grow in strength in Afghanistan."
IS has documented executions featuring several different methods, ranging from beheadings to people thrown off buildings; prisoners burned alive in cages; prisoners drowned in swimming pools locked in cages; children crucified, and several other means that have outraged much of the world.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported back in July that IS has executed as many as 3,027 people in the past year, among them being at least 86 women and 76 children.
Jasmine Opperman, the director of Southern Africa Operations at the Terrorism, Research & Analysis Consortium, suggested back then that IS' shocking execution methods are part of an "apocalypse ideology."
"IS is using executions to show its followers — and would-be followers — that the group is the only true representative of believers, not only in word, but action, which is why executions are featured so prominently," Opperman said.