James Dobson Slams 'Outrageous Assault on Parental Rights' in Warning to Christian Parents

Dr. James Dobson is warning parents to watch out for attacks on religious freedom and school assignments in which children are asked about their sexuality without parental consent.
Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family and Family Talk radio, touched upon various concerns he has about religious freedom in his August newsletter that was released earlier this week.
He started off with a warning from history, noting that he has wondered "how highly educated and intelligent Germans could have been so corrupted and deceived by the propaganda that lay the foundation for tyranny" that led to World War II.
"It is still difficult to comprehend how so many Christian churches with their good people fell prey to the lies screamed by Adolf Hitler and his evil cohorts," he wrote.
"Even before he revealed his murderous intentions, they stood with their arms and hands extended, cheering rabidly for a man who was to become one of the most ruthless dictators in world history."
He later explained that although America is not yet suffering under "Nazi-like tyranny," citizens are "steadily being expected to think, speak, write, and act in a prescribed manner in conformity with what is now called 'political correctness.'"
The author and psychologist examined the amendments guaranteeing freedom in the Bill of Rights, and strongly criticized Americans, including Christians, who don't vote in elections.
"Shame on them all! Don't they know that tyranny for us and our children is only one generation, or even one election, away?" he declared.
"We must vote, vote, vote to elect leaders who will defend what has been purchased with the blood of patriots who died to protect our liberty. We owe it to the memory of their sacrifice to preserve what they did for us."
Dobson also listed examples of laws and actions that he said have gone against America's principles, such as abortion on demand and the 2015 Supreme Court decision that banned states from prohibiting same-sex marriage.
He added that "one of the most outrageous assaults on parental rights in American history" occurred a decade ago when a teacher at Mesquite Elementary School in Palmdale, California, had children aged 7 to 10 complete 79 items on a controversial questionnaire without first getting parental consent.
"The kids, barely out of babyhood, were required to respond to highly personal questions about their private thoughts, including 10 items about their sexuality. Permission was neither requested nor discussed with parents," Dobson said.
"The children were asked about such topics as frequency of thinking about having sex, and thinking about touching other peoples' private parts, among many others."
The parents of the children filed a lawsuit, but lost in November 2005 with the federal and district court's ruling that "there is no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexuality or education of their children."
"I screamed to the high heavens when this ruling came down, but most residents in California yawned and accepted the invasion with a whimper. What a tragedy!" Dobson recalled.
Back in April, parents in California organized a "Sex Ed Sit Out" to protest against what they called a "pornographic" sex ed curriculum that was being taught under the guise of "anti-bullying."
Dobson reflected that there is some reason to hope, pointing to the Supreme Court ruling in June in favor of Colorado baker Jack Phillips who in 2012 refused to design a wedding cake for a same-sex couples due to his religious beliefs. Same-sex marriage also wasn't legal in Colorado at that time.
"Ours can be a lonely vigil unless defenders of the Constitution, and particularly conservative Christians, stand shoulder to shoulder with us in this struggle. We and other conservative organizations are winning in the public square. This is no time to go wobbly," he added.
Back in March, Dobson argued that Christians are being betrayed by some Republicans, specifically those who voted in favor of a spending bill to continue giving over $500 million in annual funding to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion business.
"Let this betrayal be a reminder to all those who fight on the side of life, that the pro-abortion forces in this nation will never stop and therefore, we too must always remain vigilant," Dobson said at the time.