
Jewel Fixes Teeth for 'Carter Cash' Role

Singer Jewel has transformed her crooked teeth ahead of portraying June Carter Cash in an upcoming biopic.

The 38-year-old brown-haired, brown-eyed singer posted a photo of herself via Twitter on Tuesday revealing revamped teeth as well as brown hair and blue eyes.

Jewel was forced to change her physical characteristics in order to match those of the main character in Lifetime's Television movie "The June Carter Cash Story."

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"Here I am as June in my trailer with her blue eyes and perfect teeth #ringoffire," Jewel tweeted.

Additionally, the film's director Allison Anders posted a photo of Jewel on Twitter with the caption, "My lovely star Jewel w/ blue eyes, straight teeth & kicka-- wardrobe as June Carter Cash!"

The singer's teeth have not been permanently changed, and after filming, she will revert back to her original look.

Filming for "June Carter" is scheduled to wrap up at the end of the month, according to Jewel's spokesperson, reported

The movie is set to premiere on television later this year.

In the past, Jewel has addressed her imperfect teeth.

"People are always asking me, why don't I get my teeth fixed," explained the singer while on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" in 2009. "Well, I'm proud of my flaws and you should be too. Not only do I think my horrible snaggletooth is uniquely beautiful, it also comes in handy," she joked.

Additionally, her "unique" teeth helped land an acting role in the 1999 film "Ride with the Devil."

"I asked [director Ang Lee], 'Why me? You could've had anyone you wanted,'" Jewel recounted speaking to Shape magazine two years ago. "And he said, 'You have period teeth.' So I got the job because I was the only actress in Hollywood who hadn't gotten her teeth fixed!"

The Utah native is best known for her songs "Who Will Save Your Soul" and "You Were Meant For Me," among many others. Her skills including singing, acting, songwriting, and poetry ,as well as playing guitar and autoharp.

Jewel married rodeo champion Ty Murray in 2008. They have one child.

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