
John MacArthur, Ben Shapiro talk Christian nationalism, Jesus, decline of the American Church

Who is Jesus?

The two also discussed the identity of Jesus Christ, with Shapiro noting that Jesus has seemingly been reduced in popular culture to a "bizarre pacifist with nothing of morality to say."

Shapiro went on to note that "the perversion of Jesus into a sort of namby-pamby, bizarrely androgynous creation from Haight-Ashbury is one of the stranger things that’s happened over the course of the last 50 or 60 years in American life."

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MacArthur replied that much of Jesus' ministry was dedicated to confronting false religion and proclaiming the reality of divine judgment.

"They didn't kill Jesus because He was so kind and generous and compassionate," MacArthur said. "They killed Jesus because He exposed the hypocrisy of the religion of the Jews."

MacArthur went on to note that the Old Testament is also replete with examples of the Jewish people rebelling against God and rejecting Him.

"You either come to God for forgiveness and salvation, or you’re going to come under divine judgment," he said. "That’s the real Jesus."

Jon Brown is a reporter for The Christian Post. Send news tips to

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