Jump5 Goes On Tour with Jadyn Maria
Jump5's second Christmas Tour starring Jadyn Maria as this year’s special guest began Saturday, November 29 in Minneapolis and runs through December 21st.
The tour visits 14 cities, including Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Houston and Austin, on Saturday, November 29, with a show that includes Christmas songs from Jump5’s 2002 release, All The Joy In The World, as well as favorites from their 4th studio recording, ACCELERATE. Jadyn Maria, the talented vocalist heard on the chart-topping duet ‘Never Alone’ (Nunca Solo) with Avalon’s Jody McBrayer, will open for Jump5, spotlighting music from her upcoming spring release. Jump5 record sales currently top 1 million units worldwide.
In the four years since they began, Jump5, has been building momentum, acquiring a touring audience of more than 1 million while traveling with Aaron Carter, A*Teens and Baha Men. Jump5 has garnered significant exposure on their own, with performances at the White House, CBS Early Show and ABC Christmas Morning with Regis and Kelly, Nickelodeon and Disney Channel.