Justin Bieber Reprimanded At The Vatican?

Justin Bieber may have been in hot water when he recently visited a Vatican museum in Rome last week where he reportedly encountered issues for kicking a ball around property where the play was unwanted.
Bieber, the 20-year-old Canadian singer, has been vocal about his Christian faith in the past. Now, the Catholic Herald is reporting that the singer spent £16,000 for a private tour of Vatican City, which included the Vatican museum and papal apartments that Pope Francis does not occupy.
However, the Catholic Herald is reporting that Bieber began to kick a ball on the premises which resulted in him being reprimanded by staff members. While Bieber has not confirmed or denied the incident, he has not shied away from sharing his Christian faith with others in the past.
Earlier this year, Bieber appeared at the end of a video with Christian musician Brandon Burke. In the video, Bieber spoke up about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
"God loved the world so much he gave up his own son, right?" Bieber said in the video. "Imagine, like, someone killing your son."
He went on to speak about God's forgiveness.
"Like a bunch of people killing your [son]," Bieber said. "These are your people, right? It's like, 'How are you killing my son? That's my son!' It's gonna be hard for you to forgive."
The Christian singer went on to speak passionately about God's grace.
"God forgave everyone and they killed his son," Bieber said in the video. "That shows how much grace God has."
Bieber promoted the video by posting the link ggforgod.com on his Twitter page. Judah Smith, the pastor who leads The City Church in Seattle, Wash., has sang Bieber's praises in the past and worked with the singer to maintain his faith.
"Justin and I share Scriptures on a regular basis and communicate," Smith told E! last year.