
Karine Jean-Pierre criticized for dismissing dazed Biden videos as 'cheap fakes'

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre speaks during the daily briefing in the Brady Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., on March 10, 2023.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre speaks during the daily briefing in the Brady Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., on March 10, 2023. | MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre took flak this week for alleging that recent videos showing President Joe Biden exhibiting signs of frailty and confusion are "cheap fakes" that are misleadingly edited by his political opponents.

A video went viral over the weekend that seemingly depicted Biden freezing on stage during a fundraiser last Saturday at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles with comedian Jimmy Kimmel and former President Barack Obama, who grabbed Biden by the wrist and led him away at the end of the star-studded event.

The video followed other recent viral videos that have cast doubt on Biden's physical and mental acuity, including one that showed Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni grabbing him and redirecting him to join other world leaders after he appeared to wander off during a parachute exhibition at the G7 summit in Apulia, Italy.

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During the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France, on June 6, video circulated that showed Biden crouching and freezing onstage as if he were trying to sit, which prompted accusations from users on X that he had defecated himself before being led away from the event by first lady Jill Biden.

Former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president in 2024, shared a video on Instagram that featured Biden wandering at the G7 summit, along with the theme for "Visiting Angels," a living assistance service for the elderly.

After the New York Post ran a story about the Los Angeles fundraiser video with the headline "Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks LA fundraiser," both the White House and Obama's team pushed back against the characterization of the moment, according to The Hill.

Jean-Pierre blasted such videos during the White House press briefing on Monday, claiming that they were "cheap fakes" that "were done in bad faith."

"It tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate Republicans are here," she said. "And instead of talking about the president's performance in office, and what I mean by that is his legislative wins, what he's been able to do for the American people across the country, we're seeing these deepfakes, these manipulated videos. And it is, again, done in bad faith."

Jean-Pierre later clarified that she intended to say "cheap fakes" instead of "deepfakes," the difference being that cheap fakes are allegedly deceptively edited, while deepfakes are a complete hoax.

On Monday, Jean-Pierre quoted a June 11 Washington Post article attempting to debunk the theories regarding the viral footage of Biden in France and Italy, noting how Biden appeared to be engaging one of the parachutists at the G7 when Meloni dragged him away.

Speaking with MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday, Jean-Pierre reiterated her "cheap fake" claim and alleged conservatives are trafficking in "so much misinformation."

The press secretary nevertheless drew derision from users on X, who suggested that the White House had resorted to flat-out lying in their attempt at damage control.

Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., likened the White House's response to the video to something Orwellian, quoting from the book 1984: "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

Rep. Keith Self, R-Texas, claimed the White House's response showed that "Democrats are truly panicked."

"Unbelievable!! Karine Jean-Pierre is blaming DEEP FAKES for all of the videos going around exposing how old, feeble, and senile Joe Biden looks anytime he steps out into public," wrote Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. "This sums up the White House comms strategy in one video: Don't believe your lying eyes!"

"Karine Jean-Pierre said that these are deep fakes," Texas Freedom Coalition President Sarah Fields wrote. "Who else is tired of being gaslit? The upcoming debate is going to be very interesting."

Andrew T. Walker, an ethics and public theology professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, chastised Jean-Pierre's performance as "Baghdad Bob-level cringe," referencing Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, Saddam Hussein's propagandist during the Iraq War.

"It doesn't end ... the lies about Biden being 'okay,'" wrote Juanita Broaddrick, who famously accused former President Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978. "He's not okay. He has severe cognitive decline and there are hundreds of videos proving it. Stop lying. We know the truth. He needs to resign."

Political commentator Dave Rubin blasted Jean-Pierre as "a walking, talking cheap fake."

"So can either believe your eyes and all of the evidence we have all seen over the last three-plus years, because it was actually happening before he was president," Rubin said. "And you can see the freezing up, and you can see the confusion and being led, and you can watch him post press conferences going, 'I'm not supposed to say that, I'm going to get in trouble.' You can see all of those things, or you can believe the very same people who have lied to you about everything."

"I'm not a betting guy, but I think you know which one I'm going to do," he added.

Jon Brown is a reporter for The Christian Post. Send news tips to

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