Ken Ham Blasts Secular 'Intolerance' After Science Article Is Pulled for Crediting God With Design of Human Hand

Answers in Genesis CEO Ken Ham says evolution has become a religion for many secularists, pointing to "intolerance" in scientific communities whenever the possibility of the Creator is mentioned.
"If secularists were to be honest, they would fully acknowledge that from their perspective, when they die, that's it — they're dead. Then why do they even fight so vehemently against God? What is it that irks them so much about this?" Ham wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday in which he also calls out atheists, asking why they are so "vehemently" opposed to God.
"Well, the bottom line is that they know that if there is a God who created them, and if He is the God of the Bible, then He owns them, He sets the rules, and they are accountable to Him. It means, for example, that marriage is one man for one woman, that abortion is murder, and so on," he added.
Earlier on his AIG blog he took aim at what he calls "intolerant secularists" for their opposition to anything in scientific circles that mentions the possibility of God.
The Creationist, who is also the CEO of the Creation Museum and the upcoming Ark Encounter in Kentucky, pointed to a recent news story where a group of Chinese scientists published an article in the journal PLOS ONE in which they analyze the workings of the human hand. Near the end of their paper, the scientists wrote that "hand coordination should indicate the mystery of the Creator's invention."
The Christian Post reported last Friday that the peer-reviewed scientific journal subsequently retracted the paper it published earlier this year that credits the "Creator" with the design of the human hand due to backlash, with some calling it "unacceptable," "harmful disgrace," "absolute joke" and "sloppy job" of the editors.
Other editors working for PLOS ONE even called for their colleagues responsible for the article to be dismissed.
Ham wrote: "Some secularists threatened to boycott the open-access journal, and some editors declared that they would resign if the article wasn't retracted. The intolerance shown by the secularists over the use of the word Creator in the article was astonishing."
He added: "The very idea that there could be an intelligence behind life was so unacceptable and was expressed with such anger that it only exposed how passionate secularists are in defending their religion of humanism and naturalism."
Nature, the international weekly journal of science, also talked about the controversy, noting that the online criticism has forced the PLOS ONE editors to apologize for allowing the word "Creator" to be used.
"A number of readers have concerns about sentences in the article that make references to a 'Creator.' The PLOS ONE editors apologize that this language was not addressed internally or by the academic editor during the evaluation of the manuscript," a statement from the magazine last week said.
"We are looking into the concerns raised about the article with priority and will take steps to correct the published record."
Ham reflected that this episode shows the "intense prejudice and intolerance" displayed by secularists toward anyone who might disagree with them.
"They become up in arms about anything that mentions a creator and will immediately throw it out. And we see this attitude in our personal lives and the culture as a whole," the AIG President argued.
"Anyone who dares to think biblically about origins, the nature of marriage, or the sanctity of life is often treated with intolerance, anger, and prejudice, and faces ad hominem attacks — just for starting with God's Word! And sadly, as our culture moves farther and farther from a biblical worldview, we can only expect this intolerance to continue," he added.