Kevin Sorbo on Whether Jesus Would Back Trump's Travel Ban: Who's Doing Most of the Terrorist Acts?

Christian actor Kevin Sorbo recently defended his position that Jesus Christ would have voted for President Donald Trump in the U.S. general elections last year, and also challenged a TMZ reporter to name him instances of Christians committing "mass shootings."
TMZ posted a video of Sorbo at LAX airport on Wednesday, where a reporter asks him whether he still stands by his previous statements that Jesus would have backed Trump.
Last year, Sorbo had claimed that Trump is the "lesser of two evils" compared to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
"Every time I ask a Democrat what has Hillary done, they have never, ever had a good answer. They have zero answers," the Christian actor, famous for hit shows such as "Hercules" and films such as "God's Not Dead," said at the time.
"She has more scandals around her than Nixon ever had. Watergate is a joke compared to what's going on in the White House today."
When asked recently by TMZ whether Jesus would be "regretting" a vote for Trump, Sorbo responded:
"I don't know, you'll have to ask Jesus."
The off-camera reporter then asked whether Christ would not be opposed to Trump's travel ban on refugees, which applies to citizens of six predominantly Muslim nations, given that Jesus Himself is from the Middle East.
Sorbo said of Trump, "He doesn't want to keep everyone out of the country."
"It's so ridiculous," he said of media reports seeking to paint Trump and his supporters as being anti-Muslim.
"Of course all Muslims aren't bad. But who's trying to kill the most people around the world right now? Who's doing most of the terrorist acts?" the actor asked.
The TMZ reporter responded by making the claim that "there have also been a lot of mass shootings from Christians."
"Really? Where did those happen?" Sorbo asked, challenging the reporter to name those shootings.
The reporter admitted that he could not think of any on the spot and quickly tried to change the discussion back to whether Jesus would be OK with a travel ban.
The actor explained that the security measures are only targeting people from countries of concern, and said that he would be fine if he had to undergo extra security measures.
"I'm second-generation Norwegian. If Norwegians were doing the bombings in the world right now, I wouldn't have a problem with that (undergoing security measures), cause I've got nothing to hide," he said.
The question of whether Jesus would support a travel ban has been tackled by numerous organizations and Christian leaders in the U.S.
Some, such as the American Center for Law and Justice, have argued that the measures work to protect U.S. citizens from the dangers of terrorism.
Others, such as Most Rev. Joe S. Vásquez, bishop of Austin and chair of the U.S. Catholic Bishops Committee on Migration, have said, however, that helping to resettle the most vulnerable is part of "our Christian faith and 'welcoming the stranger' as Jesus has challenged us to do."
Sorbo has been involved in a number of projects seeking to defend religious freedom in America, and in March it was revealed that he is set to return to the big screen to star in the upcoming faith-based film "One Nation Under God," which will address the issue of religious freedom.
As Deadline explained, Sorbo is set to play a presidential candidate "who deals with the repercussions of an argument that focuses on faith, free speech and First Amendment rights."