Kirk Cameron, Kendrick Brothers team up to make pro-life film about adoption

Actor Kirk Cameron and the filmmaker brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick have reunited for a new feature film titled "Lifemark" that celebrates the sanctity of life.
Tens of thousands of pro-life activists and politicians gathered at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., last week for the annual March for Life. Cameron was a guest speaker at the event, and during his speech, he spoke about the upcoming film.
"I hope that you have a chance later this year to see the movie 'Lifemark' that is based on a true story. It is a story that is so much better than anything we ever could have scripted,” Cameron said.
The forthcoming film marks the first time the 51-year-old actor and the Kendrick brothers will reunite since collaborating on the 2008 film “Fireproof."
“The makers of ‘Fireproof,’ ‘Courageous,’ and ‘War Room’ and I have teamed up to bring this film that highlights the value and preciousness of life in the womb and the beauty of adoption, explaining how one life can impact so many,” Cameron declared.
The “Growing Pains” actor shared with the audience why the topics of adoption and protecting life are so important to him.
“This issue of life is very personal for me,” he shared. “My wife is an adopted child. Chelsea was one doctor appointment away from not existing.”
“Our first four children are also adopted, and if my wife, Chelsea, had not been born, our two natural-born children would not exist either," he continued. "So my six children and my wife are here as a result of loving, compassionate and courageous people like you who are marching today at the March for Life.”
In April 2021, Alex Kendrick shared news of the film on his Instagram page.
“It’s been 14 years since we shot the movie 'Fireproof.' We’re excited to be working with Kirk Cameron again on this new feature!” he wrote.
Cameron serves as executive producer for "Lifemark" and also plays the role of the adoptive father.
"Someone sent me a brief documentary of a true story that was so inspiring and meant so much to me personally that I decided to turn it into a feature film," the actor told The Christian Post in a recent interview.
"I wanted to illustrate the value of every life and all of its potential and also to show the beauty of adoption and demonstrate how even one person's life can powerfully impact so many others."
In a past post that included a photo of both Kendrick and Cameron, the actor is seen in character sporting grey hair.
“The film crosses two decades, so we get to see him age almost 20 years,” Alex Kendrick explained. “It’s a true story with lots of action, humor and heart!”
While attending the 28th annual Movieguide Awards in 2020, Kendrick shared more about the forthcoming film.
“We're very excited about that, and it's a true story, and it's going to grab your heart. We love it.” Kendrick told CP at the time, adding that he and his brother “love the subject matter and what's going to happen” as a result of it.
“We think it's a very timely movie,” he said.
Though the brothers typically make original content such as “War Room,” the pro-life film was brought to them by a friend, he revealed.
"We normally do write our own movies, but this one was so powerful when we read it and we saw how it was very timely for today's culture,” Kendrick added.
“As we began researching a way to shoot it, it became very obvious the Lord was opening the door to do it,” he added.
Jeannie Ortega Law is a reporter for The Christian Post. Reach her at: She's also the author of the book, What Is Happening to Me? How to Defeat Your Unseen Enemy Follow her on Twitter: @jlawcp Facebook: JeannieOMusic