L.A. Residents Oppose 7-Eleven Alcohol Permits
Local residents in East Los Angeles are putting their foot down after permission was granted to the 7-Eleven Corporation to sell alcoholic beverages close to areas frequented by children and young people.
More than 1,000 petitioners are requesting that two Los Angeles Planning Commission Variances be revoked.
The charge against the variances is being led by the Community Leadership Coalition.
It is unhappy over the convenience store chain’s plans to start selling alcohol close to sensitive use areas such as schools and parks so soon after a father of two was left in a coma following an alcohol-induced attack at the Dodgers Stadium.
The near fatal attack on Bryan Stow has sparked debate about whether L.A. should introduce stricter alcohol rules.
Despite concerns crime would rise if alcohol were made more widely available, a Zoning Administrator in the East Los Angeles Area Planning Commission gave the go ahead to a variance for the 7-Eleven store located on the corner of Eastlake and Broadway.
The store falls within a designated LAPD gang injunction area for the notorious gangs of Eastlake, Lincoln Heights and Clover, and is situated close to a high school, elementary school, pre-school and youth drug and alcohol rehabilitation center.
When the store first opened, it withdrew its application to sell alcohol as a result of public pressure, but nine months later, the store insists it needs to sell alcohol products in order to meet its corporate goals.
The other variance was granted to a new 7-Eleven outlet that is replacing a 17-year-old donut shop close to the East Los Angeles Park.
A hearing was due to take place last night by the East Los Angeles Area Planning Commission to hear local concerns.