Leadership Conference at Baylor University
Baylor University is holding the High School Christian Leadership Institute June 24-27 for high school sophomores and juniors from across the country.
High School Christian Leadership Institute began last year
With the theme, “Influencing Your World,” the four-day conference will help students develop their leadership skills by discovering their God-given strengths and identifying their passions and calling with the help of other inspirational Baylor student leaders through various activities.
“Evaluations for the inaugural program were very positive,” said Scott Wade, director of student union. “The students not only mentioned the impact that the institute had on their lives, but also the warm, inviting Baylor community that many hoped they would become a part of in the years ahead.”
“Our candidates are young people who have demonstrated leadership skills and abilities and are committed to using their God-given strengths to invest in and influence the arenas of leadership that they find themselves in,” said Wade. “We’re not looking exclusively for the team captains or student government presidents. Above all else, we’re looking for that initiative to serve and create positive change.”
The conference will feature a keynote address and seminars by Dave Stone, associate pastor for Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Ky. Stone is a pastor who emphasizes the value of leadership in his presentations and in his books. Two of his most recent works include “Keeping Your Head Above Water” and “60 Simple Secrets Every Pastor Should Know.”
More information about registration, go to: http://www.baylor.edu/christianleadership/
Or, contact the office of the vice president for student life at (254) 710-7611