Liberal Media: No Trump in Women's Dressing Rooms, but Males in General Are OK?

Dear liberal media, your hypocrisy is showing.
This week, Buzzfeed published an article titled, "Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing." The article quotes four former contestants of the Miss Teen USA pageant in 1997 who claim that Trump did not respect their privacy when he allegedly entered their dressing room during the pageant.
One woman is quoted saying, "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh …, there's a man in here.'" Another called it "shocking" and "creepy" as girls rushed to cover themselves.
Immediately, the media latched on to the story to express their outrage. Everyone from Rolling Stone to the Huffington Post pretty much had the same reaction: How dare Trump enter a women's dressing room!?
And you know what, I agree. A man has no business in a women's dressing room … or locker room, or shower area, or restroom for that matter. Women have a right to their bodily privacy, and should not have to worry about their bodies being exposed to men in ways that make them feel uncomfortable or violated.
But it sure begs the question …
Where was all this appropriate outrage towards men in women's private facilities when the NBA moved its all-star game out of North Carolina because the state has a law that keeps men out of women's public locker rooms and restrooms?
Or why are teenage girls in Illinois and Minnesota having to fight in federal court for their privacy rights, so that their school doesn't order them to share their locker room and shower areas with a sexually confused male student?
And why does Target think it's appropriate to allow men into women's changing areas and restrooms in their stores?
That's what's so puzzling about the liberal media's response to claims against Trump. While they're so busy condemning one male presidential candidate for being in the wrong dressing room, their attitude towards everyday Americans is very different: If you don't allow men into women's private facilities, it's discrimination.
Sex-specific dressing rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms ensure that the fundamental right to privacy is not abused. Maybe the liberal media should take a look in the mirror and acknowledge that bodily privacy should always be respected — not just when it serves their agenda.
I think we can all agree that those young Miss Teen USA contestants were not wrongly "discriminating" by saying Mr. Trump shouldn't be in their dressing room. And just as surely, a teenage girl is not discriminating if she doesn't want to share the girls' locker room with a male student.
It's common sense.
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