LifeWay Announces 10 Living Proof Live Events in 06
On Oct. 21, LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention and Bible teacher Beth Moore announced the addition of 10 "Living Proof Live" events in 2006.
Dates and locations of the 2006 events are not yet finalized, but Moore expressed a desire to increase her focus on areas in U.S. geographic areas beyond the Bible Belt, LifeWay reported.
Jimmy Draper, president of LifeWay said Moores Living Proof Live events challenge and encourage women to be more active in society within the Biblical boundary.
Moore told Lifeway that the sole desire of both Living Proof Ministries and LifeWay Christian Resources in our partnership is to please God.
"One of my worst nightmares would be continuing on in an avenue of ministry where God was no longer present and active. After a tremendous amount of prayer and many conversations with my praise team leader, Travis Cottrell, and his wife, Angela, we believe God is still in this. It is, therefore, our honor to partner with LifeWay in the ministry of encouraging people to love the Lord Jesus Christ and know Him through His Word," Moore said.
More details and registration information regarding Living Proof Live events can be found at under the "womens events" tab.