Lolo Jones Invites People to Join 3 Week Fast

Lolo Jones, the 32-year-old Olympic hurdler and bobsledding athlete, has opened up about her decision to begin a three-week fast to get closer to God.
Jones has been vocal about her Christianity for some time and did the same when announcing her decision to announce her period of consecration to Instagram followers.
"I want all that God promised for me in 2015," Jones wrote. "21 days of prayer and Fasting."
The Christian athlete then invited others to take part in the fast with her.
"Join me as I dedicate the first part of my year to hearing from God," Jones wrote. "I encourage you as well to set aside some earthly distraction for 21 days to hear more from the Lord. #socialMediaDetox #prayer #fasting #alreadyCravingaBurgeriRebukeYouSatan."
This is not the first time that Jones shared her faith on the social networking website. Jones previously took to Twitter to let followers know that she was blessed while tithing after receiving a great deal of criticism on the social networking website.
"Pumped! Yet again God showed me a cool sign," Jones previously tweeted in 2013. "I tithed on Sun. and by Mon. had a blessing 10 fold. If u've never given,step in faith Luke 6:38..It was a very cool moment. Had to share."
After one person revealed their own struggle to Jones, she provided the individual with encouragement and a Scriptural reference.
"2 Cor. 12:9-10 '... for my power is made perfect in weakness,'" Jones previously tweeted. "Stay strong friend God has showed up biggest when I was lowest."
Jones previously responded directly to critics on her Twitter page. After one person told Jones "God doesn't like ugly," the Christian athlete spoke about the importance of grace.
"Read the Bible," Jones told the individual at the end of 2013. "God loved murders, adulterers, sinners... Not like, he LOVES me regardless of twitter #unconditionalLove #grace."
Before her qualifying race for the 2012 London Olympics, the hurdler made sure to thank God.
"As I arrive in London for the Olympics, I'm overwhelmed with emotions," she tweeted in 2012. "Thank you Lord for another chance and for holding me as I waited."
The Christian athlete mouthed Philippians 4:13 before racing and has been vocal about her Christian faith inspiring her to maintain her virginity until marriage.