Louie Giglio's 'End It' Movement Hitting Major Churches Across America

A global anti-slavery movement led by Pastor Louie Giglio is preparing for two big events – "End It Sunday" and "Shine a Light on Slavery Day" on Tuesday when Americans throughout the nation will wear the symbolic red "X" symbol.
"Then people have to ask – 'what is this?' At that point, we as a nation can raise our voice in honor of the 27,000,000 slaves. The hope of the movement [is] for everyone to know. Indifference is NOT an option," Masi Willis, project manager of the End It Movement, told The Christian Post on Thursday.
Some notable churches are behind the movement and will be participating in "End It Sunday" and "Shine a Light on Slavery Day," including senior pastors Giglio from Passion City Church it Atlanta, Perry Noble of NewSpring Church, Steven Furtick of Elevation Church, Curtis Jones of Bayou City Fellowship, and others. Willis told CP that there has been an "incredible response" to the movement, but they have not yet tracked the numbers involved.
"End it Sunday is really whatever any organization, faith based or not, wants to do to raise their voices and spread the news that slavery still exists. Each organization or church will have their own plan. Some are making announcements, some are showing a 2-minute video, some are showing a 15-minute film, others are creating stage backdrops or interviewing survivors of slavery," Willis explained.
"Really .... the creative ways are beyond our imagination and each church or organization is customizing the message of 'there are 27 million slaves in the world today ... more than any time in history of mankind' to their audience."
Giglio made "End It" one of the prime foci of his popular Passion conference in January, which attracted an attendance of 60,000 young Christians at the Georgia Dome and raised over $3 million to help deliver the 27 million men, women, and children around the world who are currently enslaved out of bondage.
As for "Shine a Light on Slavery Day" on Tuesday, the organization offers various ways people can raise awareness, including wearing a red "X" symbol on their clothes, drawing it on their hands, wearing "End It" promo gear, and any other way they can reach out to others and tell them about the important movement.
"Our desire, the movement's purpose and the hope of seven coalition partners is that we will end slavery in our lifetime. Simply put ... END IT," the project manager said.
Information about the coalition partners involved in helping expose and tackle slavery around the world is available on the End It website.
"It's not any one person or organization that's going to solve this. It's every one of us, doing what we can, at the level of influence we have, to not only shine a light on slavery, but to end it," Giglio told CNN. He added that Jesus Christ was the "the ultimate abolitionist, the original abolitionist," which serves as an inspiration for the world in the fight against slavery.