Marco Rubio Is the Leader Our Country Needs

Washington has reached an impasse. Partisan politics and division has left our country without a way to move forward on real solutions to the problems we are facing.
Our next president needs to possess 'Reaganesque' abilities to reach across the aisle, working with both the House and Senate and modeling true leadership for this great nation. As my boss puts it, we need the candidate that is the convergence of Reagan and Jack Kemp. We need a unifier who will stand for Christian values, strengthen our stance on the world stage, show compassion to those desiring to become a part of the fabric of American society, be a champion for life, and bless Israel.
It is my personal belief that Senator Marco Rubio can be that type of leader, and I am proud to endorse Senator Marco Rubio to become the next President of the United States.
As the Republican nominee, Senator Rubio is a man who can win the general election. Polls show that if pitted against presumed democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Senator Rubio presents the best option for the GOP. He is a true conservative, yet is also compassionate. Senator Rubio has a broad appeal across race, age and gender — a clear distinction to Donald Trump, who brings the same divisiveness that we already see in Washington.
There are many points on which I agree with Senator Rubio. The first is on immigration. True, comprehensive immigration reform is 30 years overdue. I agree with Senator Rubio's approach, which is balanced between national security and compassion for those who are already part of our society and living the proverbial American dream.
Senator Rubio has also been a champion for life and understands that to be truly pro-life is to value life from the womb to the tomb. He understands the need to protect the sanctity of life because all individuals, born and unborn, are created in the image of God, by God.
Another point of agreement is on religious freedom. Freedom of worship is a foundational pillar of our nation as well as the freedom to live according to one's conviction without persecution for doing so. While our Founding Fathers adhered to Judeo Christian values, there was freedom for others to worship according to their faith narrative. The United States is a Christian nation who welcomes those of other faiths. On this fundamental truth, Rubio and I also agree.
Lastly, I believe Senator Rubio will continue our legacy of being a blessed nation by reaffirming and demonstrating our nation's unbending support for Israel. I am a literalist when it comes to the Word of God. The Bible clearly states that God will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel.
As Americans head to the polls to choose their candidates to move forward to the general election, I want to share my beliefs and convictions with those who might still be deciding which candidate to support. I believe Senator Marco Rubio is the leader our country needs.